Is this a coup? Home of the Coup-o-meter
Is this a coup? Home of the Coup-o-meter

Prevention is the best medicine: Get background on coups, how they happen in a democracy, and what we can do to stop one.

Is this a coup? Home of the Coup-o-meter
Prevention is the best medicine: Get background on coups, how they happen in a democracy, and what we can do to stop one.
im euro. Most of my short Life i have looked up to the USA . I thought:"Wow, USA!" I was happy we were allied and in Nato, that we would defend eachother and grow ever closer.
I have never imagined that there could be a Man like Trump in power or that there would be a potential Coup? I thought thats only in Russia, China or some third world shithole!
Well, anyway i became disillusioned. The USA isnt perfect. I was to naiv. obviously.
Damn thing's busted. If you can imagine an administration that acts like this ever peacefully ceding a lost election, you're crazier than me.
It’s only a real coup if it comes from the d'état region of France. Otherwise it’s just a sparkling junta.
lol @ waiting for democrats to step up.
Might as well wait for the heat death of the universe.
I'm an australian and know this ahit. Why don't you?
Too little too late. Fuck them.
They really should update the graphic to point to red at this point
"national emergency" will put this into the red.
Watch for false flag attacks this year
While there remain serious concerns about political violence and the state of our democracy, the immediate threat of a coup has passed.
What? They didn't even get to February!
using methods that are in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution.
Provides no source
Maybe read 1A, which is only the latest he disregarded.
1A? What's 1A? There's no 1A on the page. What did he do?
do you really need one?
Absolutely, it's essential to back up your claims, especially for international observers who have no idea what the US constition is or how Trump is violating it
Source: reality