Running out of fun request ideas. Help me come up with one by drawing the act of pondering for new ideas
Running out of fun request ideas. Help me come up with one by drawing the act of pondering for new ideas
Running out of fun request ideas. Help me come up with one by drawing the act of pondering for new ideas
The image didn't load for me at first, so I mistook the alt text (Pondering the small "sillydrawingrequests orb") as a secondary prompt and drew another one. :o
You are in a flow! And ha, this looks like continuation of my image. So the next request should be about potatoes 🤔 good good.. this worked
ponder over a red question-mark
Is that all we are to you?!
I like it, it leaves the initiative to the observer: will you join in on the pondering with the three other maestros?
That is actually a very good drawing of a cat, nicely done
Thank you!