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Meta sparks privacy fears after unveiling $299 Smart Glasses with hidden cameras: ‘You can now film everyone without them knowing’

Meta sparks privacy fears after unveiling $299 Smart Glasses with hidden cameras: ‘You can now film everyone without them knowing’::These stylish shades may look like a regular pair of Ray-Ban Wayfarers, but they're actually Meta's new Smart Glasses, complete with two tiny cameras and speakers implanted in the arms. The wearable tech was unveiled by Mark Zuckerberg Wednesday at the 2023 Meta Connect conference in Menlo Park, California, sparking a frenzy online.

  • I predict a uptick in assault and battery when people start recognizing these and get sick of them being used in public

  • Now you might have an idea how a company making $0 is getting funded.

  • Meh, I assume I’m always on camera anywhere I’m in public. I don’t like it and I really don’t want to be recorded. I’m also realistic and understand that public spaces are… well public.

    I understand privacy fears because there’s nothing stopping someone in my private space from recording me now other than mutual respect and consent. If all it takes is the ease of use of some fashionable frames then it’s time to rethink your relationships.

    This also applies to semi-private spaces. So think at the office or a cozy booth in a coffee shop. Assume all public places are recorded (because they often are) and establish boundaries within your relationships.

  • On the one hand I can't remember the many people I see at work and would love heads-up display saying names, birthdays and reminding me what we spoke about.

    On the other hand I don't like cameras recording my socially embarrassing actions in the first place, let alone tell people who I am. Like hell I want Zuck to know what stupid shit I said 4 years ago to that one person I won't see ever again.

  • Idk, I assume I'm being watched via CCTV at least wherever I go nowadays. This may be literally in your face, but still... these devices will become invisible and ubiquitous.

    • Does all that CCTV footage get firehosed to Zuck and friends so they can mass tag everyone in every photo whether you like it or not?

  • They should have used a photo from a webcam or old phone (or a noise filter) to better represent the nighttime quality of the tiny lenses. This one seems to have real DSLR depth of field. The interface is obviously fake, too. As a journalist, I would go the extra mile to take (or license) a shitty picture/video frame with motion blur (and no good-looking subject) and edit it into the supplied promotional material rather than plainly repost that obviously fake shit.