Flag flown upside down as sign of distress outside of US State Department building today
Flag flown upside down as sign of distress outside of US State Department building today
Flag flown upside down as sign of distress outside of US State Department building today
I mean the US is certainly in distress
Definitely. Do we know if the people who wanted a criminal moron in charge are still cheering him on, or are they starting to catch on to the fact that his plan always was to thoroughly fuck everyone over? Well, everyone but his clique.
They're completely caught in the misinfo and still cheering him on. Anyone getting hurt must have deserved it and if they're getting hurt it just shows how important it is to hurt the others back.
Everyone just giving their opinion but the answer is mixed. Some regret, many don't. And it's not just disinformation, people have to deal with their own cognitive dissonance. Just on the radio earlier was an Arab man still defending vote for Trump because "it's just rhetoric" right now. He's willing to say it's terrible rhetoric, but won't come to terms with the vote being a bad decision.
in south park he fucks illegal canadians to death, but in real life he is doing it to americans
Eh. The majority are chillin.
This is exactly what they voted for.
That seems like a very bad sign. Someone wanted a message to get out to the public, but I'm not entirely sure what can be effectively done about it. Credit to the person with the balls to send out the warning, though.
I'm not entirely sure what can be effectively done about it.
History offers no control groups; there is no "right" way to proceed. What's certain is that "nothing" is not the answer.
let me help you understand.
When one side ignores the rules, power is the only thing that matters.
There's nothing that can be done. Republicans have every bit of power there is. At least for the next two years.
Kudos to the person who is sending the correct message. Everyone who believes in protecting the US Constitution should fly the US flag upside down.
I think we need to do more than that. The flag is a distress signal. We have to help the people who are distressed
I don't understand what it's going to take for someone to do something. Protests are not going to work when they're holding all our money, services, rights, data, etc hostage, and threatening all our public servants. We already had a hard time protesting before this, because health care is tied to employment. It's not a coincidence that they're going after Medicare and Medicaid. They want an entire nation of indentured servants. Unable to own anything, including our own freedom. When we can't work anymore we can just go die in the wilderness like animals I guess. Hmm where have we heard that before?
Everyone is terrified and exhausted. It seems pretty evident that the election was outright stolen, and I have a hard time believing nobody in power suspected something that many of us immediately called, not with the mountains of evidence that's been stacking up for months, years even. So why didn't they do anything? Why did they wait until Trump was sworn in to even talk about it?
I see Canadians online talking about Americans like we chose this. But we didn't, it was forced upon us, and we're begging for help! Who can we turn to if not our allies? What is going on???
Edit: To those claiming that I'm just as bad as the J6ers, that the election was not tampered with and Harris just ran a terrible campaign; whether unwittingly or not, you are part of the problem. You're falling for the suppression and misinformation tactics, or you're facilitating them. I'm editing my comment to compile some links, but let me be clear, I fully expect that you're going to deny these facts as well, and move the goalposts again. My refusal to engage is not a concession, it's me protecting what little emotional energy I have left.
Some great information about voter suppression from a trusted journalist: https://www.gregpalast.com/trump-lost-vote-suppression-won/
This guy's compilation is great
https://sos.ga.gov/news/georgias-2024-statewide-risk-limiting-audit-confirms-voting-system-accuracy ~ please note the date (November 20th) and how soon after the election this was, in business days. This link should be taken into consideration with a few more facts, including what we know about their flawed 2020 audit and Trump's famous phone call. Here is a good examination of the audit showing two very important oddities that should be further examined: https://goudanachos.github.io/pages/georgia-rla-discrepancy-analysis-2024/
https://english.elpais.com/usa/2025-01-06/musk-and-putins-dual-interference-in-europe.html ~ an article about just some of the countries where there are suspected or substantiated instances of election interference.
Yes, this is what NATO is for. It is an alliance meant to prevent fascism from taking hold. Just because it's only ever been used in non member countries doesn't mean it can't be used on us, especially if Trump continues to threaten allies. Talking about this leading to WWIII is a strawman argument. You don't know that will happen and it is not a good reason to not be asking for help from our allies. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO
To those who think comparisons to Hitler and Nazi Germany are hyperbole:
I fully expect that some of the bad actors from reddit are here as well. For anyone else reading this: Question their motives. If they're trying to deny what we can see with our own eyes, their intentions are not good.
I will continue to add links as I'm able.
Watch this if you haven't already: https://youtu.be/CVgNJf6CsBA
People keep saying this, but WHO?
Who are you talking about?
Who is this "somebody" you keep talking about showing up to save us?
Look, nobody is coming to save us, and asking somebody else to risk harm on your behalf is selfish.
If we object, it isn't on somebody else to show up and save us, it's on us.
If you aren't willing to make the moves yourself, who the fuck are you to ask somebody else to.
Nobody is coming to save us, folks. It's either us, me and you, or it's nobody.
I don't trust anyone enough for something to actually be done. Buy guns, buy 3d Printers, learn to make clothing, prepate your homesteads, prepare for isolation and be ready to lean on and support your neighbors.
Be the best you can be, make good relationships with those around you, and brace yourselves . It's the only thing I can realistically think I alone can do for me, my family, and my community.
Is it a doomer view? I don't think so. I like to have hope that my vote can fix something. I like to think my protests are heard and considered. But at the end of the day I have to focus on doing what I actually can.
The cavalry's not coming. It's just us.
This is specifically what NATO is designed for, to help when there are 3rd party threats to member nations. We have both made threats to other member nations (Canada, Greenland) and are currently experiencing a coup in our own country, which is a 3rd party threat if I've ever heard one.
I am doing everything I can, but as a private citizen my options are extremely limited. What am I supposed to do in response to an international distress signal?
Oh they'll come.
The US will have to go to war to keep down unrest. Whether Trump makes good on Canada / Greenland / Poland, the world will have to form a coalition against us, and it's likely China will take the lead.
There will be Chinese bombers over Washington just as there were Russian and American bombers over Berlin. Not that we'll be around to enjoy it, and those that remain will suffer as collaborators (whether they were or not).
We really don't want to let it get there. But then we really didn't want it to get here, and we knew in the early aughts with George W. Bush's administration this is where we were headed if someone didn't chance course. Obama, who promised to change course, did not.
In 2016, people thought that Trump was the problem. That if Trump left, we could have civility restored to the electoral process. Defeating Trump won't solve the problem because he isn't it - it is the electorate. The voters need to SEE what will happen when this or that occur.
Deport all the immigrants, see the damage that brings, then bring them back with legal protections this time.
Cancel all the science, see how far behind we get, then bring it back with all the funding to make the next moonshot.
Get rid of all fogien aid, watch as our global power dimishes, the vote to bring it back with a clear and true purpose other than empire building.
The people don't know WHY these things are important, and are unwilling to listen or learn. Thus, the only teacher is to experience. But to quote Trump: "There will be some pain" when doing it.
I don't disagree with you and I would love it if people had to experience the consequences of their poor decisions and learn hard lessons that they've been evading for years. The problem is that millions of innocents are and will be caught in the crosshairs. This is a matter of life or death for many people who did not vote for him and it is unconscionable to allow all those people to die just so a bunch of loud racist hillbillies with lead poisoning can learn a lesson.
Dead on. This is a snowballing shit storm building since Reagan. Probably earlier. Trump is only a foothold, a useful idiot. He's popular with the Boomers and knows how to work them and use the language. They even refer to him as "their boy." Meanwhile he's "making deals" e.g. pumping the dicks of other corpos like Xi and Putin and pretending to get them on board even when he fails with the smarter leaders while his little weasels dismantle shit in the background.
The nonvoters might learn, but not the brainwashed consuming Fox News - they'll blame the left once again.
Will they actually see it though is the question, or will they greedily accept the new set of lies as the world burns around them.
It wasn't stolen and it wasn't forced on you. Depressingly enough, turkeys, it seems, do sometimes vote for Christmas. I totally agree with you about the awfulness of the situation but - he told you how he was going to govern, he told you what he was going to do and then he won the election that enables him to do it. You did, as a nation, choose this.
I don't know how any nation state can really intervene on that basis. Its not like Hitler steam rolling Poland or Putin annexing the Crimea - this isn't an invasion or a hostile takeover, it's an elected President carrying out the will of the people that voted for him.
I'm not going to argue with you, I get enough of that on reddit. But there is a literal mountain of evidence, including their own statements and sketchy behavior, hard data, unsecured voting machines, various voter suppression tactics, ballots that were tossed, code that was published online months (possibly more than a year) before the election, and one of the twerps currently taking over the treasury wrote code that can falsify ballots while he was an intern for Musk.
Also, it is like Hitler, they're using the same exact playbook, and while there are some key differences there is no arguing that this is the exact reason NATO exists. Justin Trudeau could invoke article 4 for threats of invasion. Someone from our government should still be able to invoke article 5. These international agreements exist because when the highest power in the nation is compromised, we need outside help.
You did choose this through decades of inaction, apathy, laziness, fecklessness. The world kept telling you that something was wrong in your "democracy" and the canned response was, "Haha, not in America - land of the free, home of the brave!" Then one day, with your rights stripped away you all finally say, "Not my fault!" It was, it is, and it will be solely Americans fault. And the longer it takes you to own it and fix-your-shit the more costly it's going to be. As always. Imagine how much easier it would have been had you just mass protested after Citizen's United, for example.
No one is coming to save you. The people who have been standing up to fix it couldn't motivate the rest of you to get off the couch. My suggestion is to stop parroting excuses like, "We are too exhausted to do it", and do it. Look to history for examples on how, and for what real exhaustion looks like. The first steps are usually meeting with organizations already doing something and ask what you need to do.
"But I'll lose my job!" If 50% of the country loses there job then there will be a lot of job opportunities. "But my family!" Ok, then sit there and let your fear keep you from action. Keep waiting for someone to save you. Watch how bad it gets as Americas military falls under the control of a facist regime. Watch as your educational system becomes even more of an indoctrination engine. I wonder which, if any, heinous act by your government finally motivates you enough. The kids-in-cages wasn't enough, I wonder what could be? Possibly nothing.
"Home of the brave". Fucking ha ha ha. "Land of the free". Sure. I have no sympathy for people just waking up now. Where the fuck have you been?
This take is lazy and offensive to everyone who truly didn’t have a choice. I’ve been in school this entire time because growing up everyone told me I could be whatever I wanted if I worked hard. Now that I’ve done that and I’m almost graduated, I’m looking around at a world that is completely unrecognizable from before and hope for everyone my age is at an all-time low. Please enlighten me, as someone who has only been a member of the civic process for less than half a decade, how the fuck is this my fault?
The decades of inaction should be largely heaped at the feet of Baby Boomers, who have sucked up and hollowed out the vast majority of American prosperity.
Everyone else has been carried along in the wake of their outsized cohort's rampage.
I know it probably feels comforting to claim the moral high ground and say "I told you so" but you're just letting your own weakness infect the people on your side. Everyone has moral turning points in all of their lives and it's a futile and stupid gesture to say your entry point is better than someone elses. Let's focus our hatred on the people who deserve it: billionaires.
I don't understand what it's going to take for someone to do something
Who is someone? Who is something? Organize and mobilize. I know all Americans didn’t choose this, but you’ll need a lot of support/like minded folks (which it sounds like you have). Trump’s shock doctrine has clearly worked. Try and focus on tangible steps to take whether it’s annoying the heck out of your elected officials, joining a grassroots org, or attending a public rally on an off day.
Someone: NATO. This is the exact reason they exist. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO
Something: Remove the tyrants by force.
Myself and everyone I know have been doing all of the things you mentioned since November, if not earlier. There have been multiple massive protests. We have been calling our reps demanding recounts, asking why democrats are capitulating to unconstitutional actions, and begging for them to intervene. We have been protesting at every opportunity. We have joined and even started our own organizations trying to get people organized. Why aren't we gaining any traction? Because they already stopped listening to us ages ago. Because all our means of large scale organization (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook) are actively suppressing information. Because every group we start gets brigaded and eventually shut down by internet trolls with nothing to lose. Because people are tired, sick, broke, and traumatized. The other day I watched an ICE raid happen in real time. These people were members of my community, good people, and now they've probably been sent to a concentration camp.
I don't want to hear shit about "tangible steps." What tangible steps can the average citizens of this country take to stop the richest man in the world, and multiple other billionaires, who already have their dirty paws in every single aspect of our government infrastructure? We can't even get in the same room as the guy. He has choked our skies with satellites and has all our personal information.
Please tell me what else we're supposed to do, I'm all ears.
What are you asking outside forces to do? Invade America and install a foreign government because americans are unable to maintain their freedom?
Perhaps we can ask the Taliban for help
Maybe President Xi really could save us.
You're saying that like it's a bad thing? If that's what needs to happen so that Elon Musk doesn't irreparably damage our country and cause the deaths of millions, then yes. Please. Invade us. We've done it to plenty of other countries, maybe it's our turn.
Also yeah, that's pretty much what NATO does when shit really hits the fan.
To those claiming ... that the election was not tampered with
I will agree that there was targeted voter suppression, targeted registration purges, and Russian propaganda. But all of this has been around for many elections. It's wrong that we have to live with this in the US, but it's already been challenged in court, largely unsuccessfully. So we do have to live with it, until it can be fixed by a legislature that actually works for the people.
Even if you could prove voting machine tampering sufficient to change the election, there's still the problem that 77 million voters chose catastrophe. You can't possibly prove that this was off by an order of magnitude. We have to face the reality that there is an excess of bad voters, and a shortage of good candidates.
Every suppressed vote is as fraudulent as any fake vote.
In a democracy, however flawed it may be, politics are still the result of a large part of the population's will. Which is strongly influenced by propaganda of course, and without much thought of all the consequences that it may have, but still. Protest against these politics can come in many forms, depending on how strongly people are affected by it, never mind how exhausted people think they might be.
Then there's also the military, does anybody here have any insight how they feel about the recent political changes that have been carried through?
It seems pretty evident that the election was outright stolen, and I have a hard time believing nobody in power suspected something that many of us immediately called, not with the mountains of evidence that’s been stacking up for months, years even. So why didn’t they do anything? Why did they wait until Trump was sworn in to even talk about it?
No, dems just did a piss-poor job of motivating people. I voted for her, but she wasn't offering much other than an alternative to him. Same as ever.
Repubs motivate their people with lies and slander, but it's still motivational for hate-mongers. Don't sound like they did when Biden won. It wasn't stolen. Dems failed us.
It can be both. Pissweak corpodems don't inspire enough people for a landslide, and landslides are much harder to rig.
This is the most frustrating thing about this administration: They are showing that you CAN do things. Democrats sit on their asses for four years, and Trump did all this in less than a month. Democrats better get their steel toe fucking boots on and kick these conservatives fucks in the sick.
I am fucking sick of trying to do the right thing and GETTING FUCKING NOTHING.
Sorry, got a little pissed there lol
I agreed with you completely until last week when I read this
Yeah Democrats suck, Kamala was a shit candidate, etc. But the election was quite literally stolen. Over two million mail-in ballots trashed. If you are black, your ballot was nine times more likely to get trashed than a white person's.
Please take the time to read. The author lists their credentials at the end.
The Canadians I talk to are either furiously pissed off and lashing out at me like I'm about to annex them myself or dead ass silent. This is a weird fucking timeline to say the least.
Thanks for this. Anytime I talk about these things to folks outside the US, it's always some reply about "your country chose this!" And how, regardless of how I voted, I still somehow let this happen. It's super frustrating and disheartening. Now, it is the cool thing to be super anti-American. This country has a huge population of people who are terrified and strictly opposed to what is happening. Once you decide: "Fuck the US," you're turning your back on millions of Americans that did not want this to happen and did what they could do stop it. We need help in our resistance. Please don't abandon us.
I hear you. Americans in general aren't our (Canada's) enemy, but your President is, along with those who voted for him (and to a lesser extent, those who did not vote), and I have much less sympathy for the "leopards ate my face" crowd during Trump's second term than his first, since he made it very well known what kind of charlatan he was.
I hear you, friend. Just remember, they don't live here. They haven't experienced the calculated dismantling of our education system. They haven't seen the meteoric rise of Christian nationalism. They don't know how sick and tired the general population is. Social safety nets are more robust in their countries, so they don't have nearly the same number of racist, angry, lead addled boomers managing to gain a chokehold on every aspect of our daily lives.
But we do live here, we have experienced it, and you are not alone.
Anytime I talk about these things to folks outside the US, it’s always some reply about “your country chose this!” And how, regardless of how I voted, I still somehow let this happen. It’s super frustrating and disheartening.
The way i see it, the current disasters unfolding were predictable as far back as the 1960s. Unhinged greed is a disease, and letting it run free and calling it "progress", "economic liberalism", and channeling it to make it your main way of doing economy, is a disease. What's angering me personally is that it seems to me that Americans are so extremely short-sighted, that as long as it worked for them, everything was ok in their eyes, and now that they're hitting the wall, they suddenly want to get off the vehicle. Good planning takes a long time, and even if we wanted to help you, we couldn't, because there's not enough preparation time.
Now, it is the cool thing to be super anti-American.
This isn't news. Different than what americans might think, they're not necessarily looked at as the "big heroes" everywhere. There's a lot of countries who have made a lot of bad experiences because of them, and really, the USA isn't popular, on average, world-wide.
I hear you... The problem is no one is going to come save us.
Change can only happen internally.
Unsure what can be done though... Voting and protests don't seem to be effective...
If nothing changes everyone will have to get comfortable enough to feel like freedom is fighting for.
This means first amendment up, train, and be ready for the day to when we need to defend our constitution.
The confederacy already lost once, they will lose again.
At the rate this is going I honestly don't see any other future.
Protests are not going to work when they’re holding all our money,
To my knowledge they haven't frozen any critics' assets, although I put nothing past them.
Why is it always someone else who has to do something? Why not you?
I'm doing everything I can, including starting my own group to organize locally, making God only knows how many calls to state reps, learning how to defend myself, translating for local immigrants with questions about what's happening, attending protests and assisting in those organization efforts, brushing up on my history, learning more about international treaties and alliances, volunteering at a food bank, and some other things that I would be stupid to share.
You know what they say about assumptions.
Yes, this is what NATO is for. It is an alliance meant to prevent fascism from taking hold. Just because it’s only ever been used in non member countries doesn’t mean it can’t be used on us, especially if Trump continues to threaten allies. Talking about this leading to WWIII is a strawman argument. You don’t know that will happen and it is not a good reason to not be asking for help from our allies. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO
The way i see it, America has gone very angry at anyone in the past who was accused of "interfering with American internal politics" for many years. That is why nobody wants to meddle in American internal politics anymore.
It is, in some sense, the fate of the tiger. When you're a gazelle or zebra, and you're sick, you can hope at least that a Tiger will come by and eat you, thus shortening your suffering. When you are the tiger, there's nobody predating you, and if you fall sick, it could take a very long time before you die.
Is this real? Nobody is reporting on it.
Which of the conservative media in the US do you expect to report it?
but all the mainstream media is run by libruls.
This does appear to be the state department flag pole (on 21st street looking East from the state department). And it does appear to be winter, and there is construction in that area around the fed building. But that's all I can say. The photo is weirdly blurry and grainy so be suspicious.
The photo is weirdly blurry and grainy so be suspicious.
You mean the filthy window? Yeah, something tells me they get pollution there and don't clean the outside of the windows as often as they should. I've seen that kinda filthy often enough on office windows.
I'm only seeing one source so far. Not mainstream.
You write that like you're sure it's not real, and/or that others would or should think so. There's no obvious thing pointing towards it being fake by just looking at the photo, no clear editing signs or anything like that. But we should make sure it is real by finding other photos, there must be more if it is real. And if there was ever a time in our lifetimes where this would be real, it's now.
people need to start seriously protesting
Yeah but we need to stop occupying sidewalks and start occupying gated communities. The fact that protest organizers won't do this says everything you need to know about them - they prefer passive action that does nothing but maintain the status quo. I've been to over 100 protests everything from workers strikes to BLM to Occupy Wall St, and i've learned that occupying a sidewalk that the oligarchs don't walk on does nothing but make the cause look pathetic. We need to protest where the oligarchs will be afraid, anything less is just playing into their hands.
We need to go back through that one St. Louis neighborhood
Yeah like every day... none of this "we will spend one hour during our lunch break on one Wednesday!" bullshit.
Yeah, that is a great first step. Especially if you try to connect and network with other people during the protests to form longer lasting groups or find and participate in already existing ones.
This shit won't be fixed with protests alone, but if they help people get a taste for what it feels like to organize and take some power back, then it is already worth it. Hell, even being around people that feel the same way is already a net plus for a lot of people who are ideologically isolated.
Their house reps, not just the president.
Is that the State Department flag or is it a flag near the State Department?
It looks like this is the end.
The house has been burning and smoking for hours and people are still thinking that the fire just started
Does anyone else hear violins?
Here's something we could fix:
We have no recall option! WTF! We should have such a mechanism. We should ask Congress to enact a law where we the people can recall the president via votes if we can collect enough signatures just like we are able to do for other things.
We do. It's the 2nd amendment. Literally what it was written for, the forceful reclamation of democratic freedom should it be taken by a tyrannical leadership. Too bad everyone that actually gives a damn about that option is on red team, and blue team thinks the 2nd amendment is for killing children and nothing else.
We do. It's the 2nd amendment. Literally what it was written for, the forceful reclamation of democratic freedom should it be taken by a tyrannical leadership.
Except that’s not what it was written for. That’s a modern interpretation.
The 2nd amendment was written because Madison believed a standing army would make the Federal government too powerful, so he didn’t want a large standing army. He wanted each state to have a militia made up of citizens. He changed his mind on the matter after the War of 1812.
You know the 2nd amendment wasn’t about allowing overthrows of the government because the government put down rebellions with weapons in the years following its adoption.
Too bad everyone that actually gives a damn about that option is on red team, and blue team thinks the 2nd amendment is for killing children and nothing else.
Thank you for acknowledging the quiet leftists who take responsibility for ourselves. I've been really upset with the crisis-mining nonstop drama panic rhetoric and dis-education about firearms from the Democratic party and their sockpuppet gun-panic action groups.
(While they openly perpetuate systematic issues that increase likelihood of gun violence, of course.)
Now firearms ownership is disproportionately in the hands of conspiracy nuts and goose-stepping good-ol-boys, while many liberals are dogmatically hoplophobic and ignorant about them.
Reminder that the Socialist Rifle Association is a thing.
Educate your friends, get them out to the range, and by Almighty God keep close social ties on each other's mental health.
I want to solve our problems with words and witty reparté, but all those safeguards are quickly breaking down and we're seeing an increasing threat of mobilizing angry everyday-sadists looking to hurt people, and stern memorandums aren't gonna cut it.
This is exactly why I've always maintained that the 2nd amendment against tyranny is complete and utter horseshit. There will never, ever, be a case in which civilians can take up arms against the US government and have any remote shot of doing anything. Any tyrannical government will get to where they are with such significant support they will be so ridiculously protected you'd have to take on the entire military and legal branches of the USA.
In 1814 when everyone had a flintlock pistol? Sure. Now? Have fun getting remote drone striked before you even step foot into Washington D.C.
I believe in the 2nd Amendment, but certainly NOT to overthrow the government for light and transient causes. I don’t take Trump lightly, but he hasn’t turned into a total despot yet. There is grave risk, but there’s also a chance his abuses will lead to reforms that limit Executive branch powers. I think many non-Republicans like our guns as much as Republicans, but we don’t bluster about them and unlike Republicans we don’t rebel because our candidate lost an election.
The State is in distress. Who will answer the call? Who will come it's aid? We have all been summoned.
(Super Mario Brothers music from stage 1-1 starts playing)
An actual use. Yeah send help!
Wasn't the upside down us flag thing used by j6'ers? Are the line workers taking it back as the symbol of a stolen country for themselves, or is this Musk and crew indicating we're fucked?
It's a sign of distress.
They were distressed, but it's only because they're sore losers and couldn't cope with Trump losing.
This is actual distress, it's appropriate this time.
My impression is the most folks who voted for Trump did so because they genuinely, honestly believed that he is really and truly and antiestablishment rebel… Who is genuinely trying to help the working poor.
Which they are [working poor.] (and, goes w/o saying, were hoodwinked by said ConMan… Just like all those retirees who voted for Ronald Reagan… And then were shocked and pissed when he immediately cut their Social Security.)
In short,… Please don’t blame cult victims who've been deceived by s/o they misperceive as an authentic, charismatic individual.
I could say the same thing about my parents, who (still) strongly support(ed) Biden, despite being equally strongly opposed to things he & his cronies did.
They believed the lies.
It has been used by punk bands and Anarchists waaay before that
#3 depends where you are on the hit list I suppose. I'm trans, so I'm well past worry-o-clock and am actively making arrangements to leave the country. Someone like a cishet white male tech worker has a lot less to worry about though
You should have been worrying for years now.
It appears to be real. The federal government is currently in the midst of the most comprehensive purge in the history of the nation, and many career civil servants are being asked to retire early with a severance "or else". The worrying part should have come when Project 2025 laid out the groundwork for what is happening right at this very moment, back when it was first revealed. Trump intends to replace all of these government workers with yes-men and cronies who will be loyal to him and him alone, and not the constitution or the American people they are meant to serve. The damage being done right now will probably never be reversed in our lifetimes and will pave the way for absolute executive control - in other words, a dictatorship. This is not alarmist, this was the plan all along and nobody listened.
If you don't have a plan to GTFO in case things get even worse, I would start making one right now. You have to set an uncrossable line yourself and be prepared to act on it, because other people are going to continue to go along with this until the very end, so you can't count on other people to be giving you signals on when to bail out.
The new "phone, wallet, keys"
It's funny to think that any of these comments are relevant. Are you new to the internet maybe?. The best I can do is hope to influence. The best an American can do is contact people already working to correct this and ask them what needs doing. This leads me to wonder how all the Americans are posting in this thread, being that they are all so exhausted. Why not go to sleep? Then wake up later and get in touch and involved.
It's almost like Americans are here trying to convince themselves there is nothing they can do.
How brave of you. What a testament to your freedoms. What a fine demonstration of what it truly means to be American: A blame shifting, feckless inheritor of a once great country. All hype. No substance, apart from the folds of blubber around their mid sections. What a legacy. All your talk of freedom backed by nothing. FREEDOM!
Why not go to sleep? Then wake up later and get in touch and involved.
Because that would require more effort than posting a comment online.
Because freedom is propaganda unless you fit certain demographics. Otherwise, everyday you're just surviving.
White dudes can walk around heavily armed, try that as a black dude and see how free you are. We can't even go for a run in a lot of places without the cops or neighborhood watch showing up.
So shut the fuck up and stop blaming people caught in this bullshit and do something to help.
No thanks. I'm done sugar-coating it for Americans. They are all too good at doing that for themselves.
This is the only post that matters.
This has happened in México too, the most famously recorded one was during Enrique Peña Nieto's term (sorry for linking to YT). They said the flag thing was an accident, but it was during the Flag Day and everyone was angry with the way the government was handling things. The government-influenced media was angry with the military because "they made a mistake", but we all knew why it happened.
So... General Strike to stop the coup?
There’s only one way this gets stopped. And the people that would need to do it think they’ll have a ‘prime minister’ title when the dust settles and not that they’ll be chucked out a window. It’s some weapons grade stupid and apathy letting this happen and they’re just hoping that god king chooses to keep them around it’s all so pathetic
This is apt for the situation
Performative resistance from inside the machine. Cute gesture, but distress signals only work when someone's actually coming to help. Meanwhile, career diplomats keep writing memos and processing visas while posting their quiet protests on social.
Remember when we thought these symbols meant something would change? Now it's just content for the outrage cycle. Tomorrow there'll be a strongly worded letter, maybe some resigned LinkedIn posts from mid-level FSOs.
The machinery keeps grinding, upside down flag or not. Though I suppose watching institutional despair go viral is peak 2025.
I disagree. Yes, this isn't the same thing as direct sabotage or anything like that, but I think symbolic gestures like this can be extremely important for morale.
I know that it makes me feel slightly better to see that I'm not alone in my frustrations.
Oh sweetie, let me break this down in terms you might understand. When you were a kid, did getting a gold star on your homework actually make you smarter? No? Same thing here.
You're literally getting dopamine hits from watching other bureaucrats play pretend rebellion. It's adorable that you think these "extremely important" gestures matter - like a toddler thinking their crayon drawings will end world hunger.
Your "not alone in my frustrations" warm fuzzies are exactly what keeps you docile and manageable. But I get it - thinking is hard, and feeling is easy. Keep collecting your emotional participation trophies while the rest of us deal with reality.
Want to make actual change? Learn how systems work instead of clapping for performative theatre. But that would require effort, wouldn't it?
They say the world is turning around, I say the world is upside down—Joe Higgs
Relevant: https://youtu.be/ZwMVMbmQBug
They watched that one The Big Bang Theory episode.
Oh brother...
This dude thinks "hundreds of millions" of people voted for Trump lol, and you know he'd have cheered some hick on ACA doing the same thing in 2020.
Simply not a serious person.
"hundreds of millions" is a typo..it should have said 10s of millions...but, I'm not a "serious" person because of that... GTFO....