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  • That's the official line, anyway. And Channel 7, in their incredible journalistic integrity, challenges this not once. Meanwhile, others are claiming that this is about strongarming suppliers, with whom they are currently in a dispute. I know which I am more inclined to believe.

    I don't see how this could go well for them. The big range is the main strength Colesworth have over Aldi. Cut back on your range and people have less reason not to go to the cheaper store.

  • Sounds like Coles has been eyeing off Aldi and wants to also get into narrowing the range down to products they have more direct control over (bet their prices don't follow Aldi though).

  • i love visiting supermarkets when i travel overseas (yes im a giant fucking nerd), japanese and german supermarkets have such a broader variety of products available. the convenience stores in greece have more (and better) dairy and cured meats then my coles.

    aldi + the local vege shop all the way. i really hope that iga can start to compete a bit more with colesworth, the prices arnt that much more.