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Microblog Memes

T is no longer.

  • Reminder that the "LGB Alliance" in the UK literally worked with the Heritage Foundation and described it as "the only possible course of action." It was an op with most of the supporters being straight transphobes trying to sow division. This move has the Heritage Foundation written all over it, they love that tactic, divide and conquer.

  • Every step they take to erase us, I come this much closer to cutting out the people in my life that support him, regardless of his hateful policy. It tears me up inside, because I love them dearly. But eventually something will give, and I won’t hold my tongue any longer.

    That’s enough internet for me for today. But who am I kidding? I’ll be back to doom-scroll further. They are winning. They’ve been winning ever since that fuck ran for office.

    • It wouldn't be productive, but I've been thinking of texting some things at my mom. She hasn't been hostler to me since I came out, but also not accepting with misgendering and dead naming.

      I know she voted for him before, and I'm pretty sure she did this time. With the way things are going I will probably never see her again. I want her to know why.

      • I know you didn't ask for feedback but if you want another person's perspective, I've cut them all out (trump supporters and bigots), and the people who remain that I feel are still worth trying to maintain or improve the relationship I have been doing what I can to show them the reality of the situation and expose them to the suffering of others that they are shielded from by privilege.

        If it were me being misgendered and dead named and otherwise being treated with disrespect by a parent who voted for my erasure, I would also be thinking about cutting them off and telling them how harmful they have been through their behavior and asking how they live with themselves when they're enabling and even cheering on the violation of human rights of so many people in their own country. I would explain how they have hurt me and the problems they have caused or enabled or failed to protect me from. And if I had the energy/capacity for it I would maybe send some links showing the damage 45 has been doing in such a short period of time if I thought it was worth the time, in particular ways he is hurting people that look like that parent or have similar life circumstances, since they don't seem to care about people who don't.

        Whatever you end up doing I wish you luck and good outcomes, and safety and peace at home and otherwise. I'm sorry you have such a shitty parent and I can relate in some ways and definitely feel you. You're not alone 💚

  • I fucking warned people that there was going to be a kind of trans genocide. I got told to shut up because "Gaza is a real genocide happening right now"

      • Its not the dems. Its that broken two party shithole of a system. Its designed to pin partys against each other and make a show of it.

        Neither party has any interest in the people, a third option has never been viable afaik and everyone and their mom was manipulating the shit out of everyone.

        The spread of disinformation was so bad I had to ban everything that was related to the elections.

        People need to organize, get orange man out and take out that whole election system in one fell swoop. Direct vote counts, multiparty system, then take out the ability to donate more than 1000$ to a party, then take out the billionaires who own the media and the huge conglomerates.

        The whole situation is directly explainable through absence of any actual left wing politics. No social net, no housing, no healthcare, nothing.

        The US is a perfect example of 30 years of toxic positivity and ignorance of spreading problems.