USA Rule
USA Rule
USA Rule
I always assume these people are trolling.
I could've believed it if not for the reply. The reply simply makes it too over the top to be real.
Nah, I can definitely see someone doing that.
That thought occurred to me, but I've met people this stupid and it's like talking to potato salad.
Naw man, sharks are smooth.
Kind of amazing how often people fall for obvious trolls. I pray to god none of the upvoters ever run across a con artist.
We have a tree in our village that's like double the age of the USA
Now that's a name I haven't heard in a while.
In the Beginning, God said "Let their be McDonalds! And there was. And lo, he saw that it wasn't good."
Liberian shark 😳
Meh, let them keep going so they're more easily spotted in the wild
thats some kenm shit
The funny thing about the "earth is 2023 years old" -claim is that it comes from christianity, more speficly 0 A.D. Because "true christian doesn't believe in evolution", but what they fail to understand, is that the "year zero" (introduced 525 AD) in Julian calendar (later replaced by the gregorian calendar) is based on the (presumed) birth-year of Jesus, not on the "birth of the world", which is why the original prefixes of the calendar are "Before Christ" and "After Christ" (Anno Domomini). It baffles me that people who claim to be deep in christianity fail to grasp this distiction in recent years. Within the bible, there is a whole books worth of events that happened before "the big J".
That assumes that those people read their book. Or that they can fluently read for that matter.
I hope they're at least good looking.
Hey there good lookin'. I got a bucket of chicken.
The might of the Eternal Republic is unmatched throughout history! America Invictus!/s
"USA is Jesus fam."
That guy probably
bro is the smartest in Ohio.