ADHD medication question for my Neurotypical homies
ADHD medication question for my Neurotypical homies
What does it feel like for you when you've used any ADHD medications? I have looked at a bunch of
posts but I feel like there are never good answers for this. I have heard that they can help NT people with focus and such, or that y'all build up a tolerance after a bit. And then I hear for people with ADHD, that the first couple of times you take the meds, or if the dose is too high, that you'll feel speedy/high.I've been trialing meds with my psychiatrist for a while and I feel like I don't even know if I have ADHD because of all this conflicting info and how I feel on them. I know it can take a lot of trying different types and doses but I just doubt my diagnosis I guess.
TL;DR: What do stimulants feel like for you've taken them semi-regularly?