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How to create bookmarks using javascript ?

I tried creating a single bookmark with search word But I can't get this to work. How can I bypass security to make it work ? Do I really have to enable debug mode ? Is it possible to switch debug mode without having to restart the browser (and discard all tabs)

Here is the code I tried

javascript:(async()=>{let t="S",n="GPT Classic",u="",k="cc",g=(await{parentGuid:PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid,title:t}))[0]?.guid||(await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({parentGuid:PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid,title:t,type:PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER})).guid;await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({parentGuid:g,title:n,url:u}),await PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({keyword:k,url:u}),alert(`Bookmark "${n}" added to folder "${t}" with keyword "${k}"!`)})();


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