I want
I want
I want
Holy fucking shit. I almost was exposed to a dirty word on the Internet by some asshole cunt. That bitch didn't know it's fucking illegal to say "pussy" on the Internet. Thank fucking god someone removed two letters from the word making it impossible for people to be exposed to such filth. I was about to shit a brick.
What a fucking cunt would do that? Profanities in my god fucking damn internet
Damn straight! I don't wanna be exposed to no fucking cussing.
Blocked and reported for using naughty words.
This, coming from someone who just wants everyone to check their own filesystems.
Censoring is dumb but adding a dumb copypasta to the experience does not make an improvement
It did improve my experience though. And after a good chuckle I will move back the the other side of the moon, where I apparently live
It's missing a third frame where he's crying and smiling in ecstasy
Uh, you're either supposed to complain about censoring or over-analyze the meme. What is this clever, amusing comment? Are you sure you're on the right site?
Imagine texting women🫠
This is kind of meme, that if I had a girlfriend (hypothetically that is, I don't have one) and one of my friends (again hypothetical, don't have one of those either) would send it to her, I would see this as a kind of cheating. Would anyone agree?
EDIT: I mean my friend would cheat on our friendship, or my girlfriend would cheat if she engaged in this.
So if your friend sends your girlfriend a sexual meme, did she just cheat on you? No, that's fucking dumb.
Hell, even if she were the one that sent it to him, it still wouldn't be cheating. But I could at least understand where someone is coming from if they thought it was. Blaming the GF for the friend's actions though? Lol okay.
pissy juice
Rofl. Okay, this is a good post to stop scrolling on. Thank you for sharing
Sounds like a keeper. lol
You need to realize that not everyone is meant to have a "normal" experience of life, that you aren't owed anything, and to detach yourself from expectations and desires.
You probably never wanted those things in the first place before someone planted it in your head that you need them.
You take what you get and expect nothing. Anything else invites suffering. AI is about to take everything from us, we might even by in for the whole torture nexus experience!
What is bro rambling about?
He is the worlds dumbest man, so I don't know really.
That's cruel.
The dude is quite literally offering to give the girl some head.
He's not asking for sex - directly! - just stating his willingness and eargness to give his potential partner a really good time.
I'm confused.
He's not asking for sex
He basically is, same way as offering someone a pounding of their life is asking for them to take up the offer