Love me some social ecology
Love me some social ecology
Love me some social ecology
I’m so glad I discovered Kaczynski, because his writings got me started on the journey that eventually turned me into an anarcho communist.
But yeah I completely understand he is far from a perfect figure. I kind of see him like Luigi, both had some problematic beliefs, but managed to expose to a large audience some major issues with modern society.
Side question: Anyone got any Bookchin books they recommend?
I find a lot (all) so-called "thinkers" are like that (not to use the term disparagingly) - you've got to adapt whatever their core idea was to the present context, using perhaps more enlightened accompanied thinking (eg. Like acknowledging the consciousness of nonhuman animals, as one example).
Or as Marx put it his doctoral thesis, when criticizing Hegel for his excessive flattery of the Prussian state (the latter's employer):
if a philosopher really has compromised, it is the job of his followers to use the inner core of his thought to illuminate his own superficial expressions of it
Ecology of Freedom, The Next Revolution, and Post-Scarcity Anarchism are all good
The ecology of freedom is highly regarded. ADD prevented me from finishing it, though, lol.