I think I got some sort of infinite scaling with the Mandonel and Nyx's passive and I overflowed the 32-bit integer a few times. The game was frozen during that screenshot and crashed. The log showed my damage was even higher.
628.330 Game [Warning]: 10: Damage too high: 16,281,678,905,344
628.330 Game [Warning]: Victim: FlakShipAvatar5105, source: SpaceTennoAvatar4926
Some paths that process damage are signed 32 bit ints. You can get overflows in the display code and I think also the scoreboard (where people will drop to 0% damage dealt).
if is not red it means it can be higher, so you should try 3 times that damage to see if it will overflow and you overflow try to continue yo multiply that damage until you don't overflow: that's the true purpose of the endgame of warframe 🤪.
Congrats, you broke the game, you did more then 2,147,483,647 damage and made a new captain America under the grineer. With 2 billion hp he is now crowned the strongest man alive and will marry the kuva queens.