Should More of Us Be Moving to Live Near Friends?
Should More of Us Be Moving to Live Near Friends?

For these six people, the realest consideration in real estate acquisition was the friends they made along the way

Should More of Us Be Moving to Live Near Friends?
For these six people, the realest consideration in real estate acquisition was the friends they made along the way
I mean, I haven't stopped to read the article yet (gonna save it for later) but it seems like a pretty fair priority to consider when moving, or when considering the possibility of moving
We move for jobs, and for family, really good friends are a sincerly precious thing, and are at least as important as those reasons to move.
The article makes a similar point, overlapping with the ”the extended family we chose" argument, both of which have some merit.
However, personally I have experienced that friendships are a product of the circumstances and old friends are often only held together by nostalgia for the times when circumstances brought them together. Thus as a result of this, I think continuing friendships like described in the article isn't that much different from finding new friendships when the circumstances allow it.
I agree with your points. Though for me a big difference has been friends I made before ~25 and friends after 25. There is no way I would want to live anywhere near friends I made before that age. Being in my early thirties, who knows how I'll feel 10 years down the line. Doing this communal living is a big commitment which might be hard to get out of.
@CrisColor @poVoq If I had the choice I would move for friends. Where I am is a little isolated and that impacts me more than I'd like to admit.
no one moves for a job of equivalent compensation though. either its because its a choice of job or no job or a choice of job at x pay vs job at 2x pay. its hard to compare that to the rest because its needed ot afford a place to live.
Thats a very fair point actually.
I would love to, and when I buy a house sometime in the future that is a major consideration for me. Unfortunately, right now I have to live where I can afford to. I have had to move almost every year since graduating college and have never been able to take that into consideration due to finances. Even now, hubby and I will likely be given his parents' current house that is much further away from our friends, and we are taking the opportunity because we can't afford not to.
The dream would be to get the closest group together to buy land (or take them with to the family home if there's space), to build a community together.
What are these "friends" you speak of?
I don't think many people have a choice. You know at one point parents went way out of their way to encourage kids to live close by but that seemed to change to when your 18 your out of the house. In college I thought about how it would be so awesome to live in something like a dorm in a city where everyone in the dorm were people you gelled with.
Yes, but not to Texas.
We moved for climate change, if I moved to be near friends it would be hot shit holes, heavily reliving on AC and car centeism with poor weather outcomes. :).
That aside, you know if you move you can make new friends yeah ?
If they are at the minimum of 1 block away from me, sure.