"Wikipedia is built on the premise that it becomes better when more people of different backgrounds—including political persuasions—source, edit, curate and research content. Our equity goal advances that. The 'Safety & Inclusion' goal (now titled 'Safety & Integrity' in our 2024-2025 plan) is focused on ensuring that people are able to freely access and safely contribute to knowledge on Wikipedia in a changing legal and policy environment globally."
Magoo: RAAAAGGGGEEEEE!!! WHITE CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS are the only REAL people!! WE'RE the only people that matter!!
Guy who owns biased platform claims other platform that has negative views on him is biased. Someone tell Elon that if he donates enough he can have controlling shares of Wiki. He can't, but he doesn't have to know that.
I think this is just a case of unclear UI. This is the default stance of the meter, before you've entered a vote. After you vote it shows the most common answer underneath the meter.
I voted just now, and the most common vote was "fair/center".
Note how the needle is also off the meter, instead of pointing at one of the segments.
In January 2024, David Rozado, an associate professor in computational science at New Zealand's Otago Polytechnic, published a study that found: "Wikipedia was more likely to portray right-leaning figures negatively than their left-leaning counterparts."
The real question is not whether Wikipedia is biased, but whether it's fair. In politics not everybody is equally right. And there are some real shit heads on the right. In other words Elon Musk is not entitled to a positive Wikipedia page.