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  • See, to me it was more like the first level of Panzer Dragoon in 95, because yeah, I was that guy.

    By 1998 it took a lot to blow my hair back, though. I'm not saying it was a better game, but FFVII had been out for a year, and Quake 2, Half-Life and MGS had come out already. Things had changed.

    But hey, the good news is by the time I did get around to OOT, later and through emulation, I still thought it held up alright, even if I'm not on the same "best game ever" boat as a lot of people.

  • I wonder if there's a timeline where Link is wearing flood pants when he first meets Rauru on that weird fountain platform in the Chamber of Sages

  • god getting to the light world forest for the first time in link to the past was a dream. the way the shadows hit everything

    then going up to the master sword area and seeing all the animals go across while it was eerily quiet <3

  • I got the master sword in TotK around release and wasn't spoiled on the context of it. It was really cool.