What's with the recent banwave on Hexbear?
What's with the recent banwave on Hexbear?
What's with the recent banwave on Hexbear?
a low energy raid
Ya I just checked the mod log. It's all super new accounts.
We get raided every now and again. I used to get excited to bully them but they're really boring and low energy these days.
"Hog out or log out" will never be the same as it once was.
Every now and then we get some weirdo liberal that wanders in (from lemm.ee or similar usually) that insists on fighting everyone in a thread, but usually not
Some punks in that reddit drama site had a thread where they thought itd be funny to troll hexbear. They figured "they could pretend to be trans and thus be immune from moderation because heckbear "protec trans" or some other bigbrain plan.
I remember thinking based on their... chatter how it was gonna be funny, but fer a different reason than they thought... Funny for how quickly them low effort igno-assed scrubs are gettin bounced, hard
I wonder sometimes how they consider themselves clever haha! Been a fun week for professional haters like myself
Damn and I thought I was a loser, imagine wasting effort trolling this place in such a boring and unfunny way.
The haters said I couldn't do it, and they were correct. Great call from the haters.
Nothing to see. Carry on.
The tanks have arrived from inside the house, I guess
Well, let's see. First the earth cooled. And then the dinosaurs came, but they got too big and fat, so they all died and they turned into oil.
Yet again our trolls and wreckers fail to camouflage themselves because they're literally too uneducated and socially isolated to convincingly come across as normal let alone as leftists
I've never seen a site that managed to utilize Dunning-Kruger as an effective anti-troll mechanism, hexbear is simply a different beast
A lot of bans with no reason given and I don’t see any recent actions involving the accounts in the mod log so I have no idea.
Some dweebs from a chud site doing a really low energy rolling raid. We've been banning accounts over the past few days.
wdym looking at the modlog and it looks like business as usual?
What did I miss?