Post your favorite icon pack / cursor / theme for your DE
Let's be honest, the rankings of gnome-look are weird at best and there is no good resource to gauge what icons / cursors / themes people like to use in their everyday DE.
So please share what icon-pack / cursor theme / GTK|QT theme you use, and why.
I used to be really into theming. But now, the default Breeze and Adwaita look good enough that I haven't bothered wanting to change them in a couple years.
That and thmes always appeared to be some degree of "broken" that I just don't bother anymore.
I do always change the cursor to the black Adwaita one, even on KDE. It just feels right to me.
When I did still use themes, Numix, Arc Dark, and whatever "flat" themes that I could find were my favorites.
I used the Sweet-KDE color scheme for years on KDE Plasma, but recently I've been converting everything to Catppuccin Macchiato. Default icons and cursors.
I'm kind of rocking my own colourscheme, based around 4 colours: #467b96 as primary, #889fa7 as secondary, #dfdfdf for white, and a mix of #696969 #282c34 and #343434 for shades of gray and black, with #282c34 being the primary background colour I stick with. I also use some shades of my primary and secondary colours from time to time. It looks really good with the Arc-Darkest GTK theme and Sardi-Flat-Arc as an icon theme. Alternatively, I've looked into papirus with blue as a folder colour, but I prefer Sardi-Flat-Arc.
Edit: Most other colours come from either the doom-one colourscheme or from the terminal colourscheme for Alacritty from ArcoLinux.
I just use the papirus icon theme and the rest is pretty much stock. Breeze dark and the white kde plasma cursor theme. I cannot live without white cursors! I also like the new Linux Mint cursor theme a lot tho. Those are some chonky boys.
yeah, its at least only a one-time payment (considering how much i have used the colorscheme i dont mind), plan to pick it up during cybermonday one day. I would assume there is no way to enforce the demo (likely no DRM which is also good)
. I frequently swap between XFCE and Gnome, and it works very nicely on both. I like the big square window buttons, like how windows does it, because it makes it easier to click rather then a small circle like most themes. Also I just like the look better.
Theme: depends. I'm rocking Gnome on my laptop, so something like Otis looks good in it. Kripton or Jasper (what I typically use in XFCE) also look nice regardless of DE IMO. Just depends, but mostly, it's a dark theme so my already meh eyes are spared a flashbang. Very original, I know.
Icons: Gruvbox Plus. Dunno, just always kinda feel it. Guess I like the designs? Also love me some Win10Sur and Reversal Icons.
Cursor: Bibata, typically. Oreo Cursors, if i feel like adding more pazazz and color...which is most of the time, honestly (also helps make my mouse easy to find. Not that my desktop is cluttered it's just nice to immededly know where it's at with a glance).
I can't remember my icon pack rn, but I use and love the cursor pack from Mint as I am not a huge fan of the mouse stem. (The one from Peepin is also really great)
The theme I use for my apps is just gtk4 (with gtk4 for gtk3) and Grandiance on wich I put the same color palette than the material you apps on my phone so the feel is consistent between devices
KDE with Tela icons, Breeze cursor and Nordic theming. I experimented with a few different themes with the Nord colorscheme, but it seems like Nordic is still the best looking and most consistent.
Does nord ever feel too low-contrast for you? I recently switched from nord to one dark for that extra bit of contrast. It makes it easier to read on those long coding hauls
Does nord ever feel too low-contrast for you? I recently switched from nord to one dark for that extra bit of contrast. It makes it easier to read on those long coding hauls
Not an icon theme exactly, but Milosz Wlazlo's Basket Monsters, which I originally picked up off kdelook sometime around 2007, are old friends that I use to represent my machine's various hard drives. I just find them amusing, I guess.
I used the Equilux GTK theme for years but it's been abandoned since 2018 and GNOME has changed a lot since then. I switched to Colloid and it didn't take much to tweak it to my liking, mainly reducing the size of the titlebar and panel.
On my desktop I use Gnome with Arc-Dark everywhere. On my laptop, I use LabWC with a custom one-dark theme that I wrote. Oh, and Phinger cursors on both