President Joe Biden has endorsed a ban on congressional stock trading in an interview that’s being released this week. It's the first time he's publicly backed the idea.
Right when he's completely useless, he pushes for this. Pathetic and disingenuous.
Biden had previously declined to take a position on congressional stock trading. When Jen Psaki served as White House press secretary two years ago, she said Biden would “let members of leadership in Congress and members of Congress determine what the rules should be.”
Back when it was up for debate and the party had the numbers....
I fucking hate how moderates waste the time for action, ignore everyone spending years demanding action...
Then turn around like that fucking pulp fiction meme asking why no one has thought to do the thing we've spent years telling them to do once there's no time.
At best they're completely incompetent, at worst they're not as dumb as a box of rocks and are just incredibly incompetent. Whatever the reason, we can do better. We have to do better.
Jesus Christ Joe, are you trying to take food from their children's mouths? How dare you sir, insider trading is the only real perk they get...well Healthcare and insider trading.
Next up, he'll try to introduce a bill that states free healthcare for all, paid through the taxes. Everyone wants it, but nothing will come of it, because America will be a fascist country in about a month. Good luck, America!
I feel like if you want to hold government office you should 1. Give up all your wealth. 2. In exchange for this, you get a rock solid $500,000 salary. This isn’t because you are an elite, this is because paying you well makes it harder to bribe you. 3. When you lose your seat or step down, you can never work again in your life. This is to prevent you from ever taking on a lobbying job or otherwise using your power to enrich yourself and influence government for special interests. In exchange for this, you can take 80% of your salary that you had while in office until you die.
These changes hopefully would give office holders enough personal financial security to focus on making decisions without being influenced by external money.
Actually, the word is that there is a bipartisan bill moving though Congress to prohibit stock sales. Crazy, right? Anyway, this is just Biden saying he'll sign it.
I'd be fine with congressional stock trading if congress members were required to immediately report trades instead of the 45 days or so they are currently legally required to