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  • I worry about it every time I hear about another shooting. So basically constantly.

    I try to tell myself that it's unlikely, or we live in a place it couldn't possibly happen...which is all BS and I know it.

    I just have to hope it's something I'll never have to deal with. If I was truly that concerned, I'd have to home school, and that's just not going to happen. So it's basically a low level of constant dread, and it's disgusting that this is where we're at here, because no one wants to face the facts and actually do anything about problem.

  • It's about the least concern.

    There's a shit ton of things that are certain dangers to my kid. Plastics, toxins, climate change, political instability, and that's just the obvious ones that increase the risks of death and illness way more than the chances of some idiot kid sourcing a gun and popping off randomly with no real skill.

    And, it's the risk factor a parent can do something about, directly and immediately. Home schooling is a realistic option for now. There's other ways to bypass in person education in a pinch.

    It sucks. It's a problem. It just isn't even on the radar of real, demonstrable risks.

  • Just being in the regions of multiple mass shootings over my life does change what I do with my family. If we go to an event we usually go at opening and leave early. Went to a Xmas tree lighting with 60k others and kept to the outside as the middle had nowhere to go.

  • Not a parent, but this is one of the reasons why.

    Tbh though, not a huge reason, more of a minor contributing factor - a shooting happening at the school / specific part of the school your kid is in is pretty low odds... it's more the general state of resulting school culture and prison-like security that's damaging to the average student.

    And shootings are a pretty small slice of the pie against things like the surge of popularity in Nazi shit, or our climate trending rapidly toward not supporting human life.

    We've made Earth into a pretty non-ideal place to raise a child.