Wrong city name !
Wrong city name !
All searches in my town (Gatineau) list it as Ottawa but should be Gatineau.
Gatineau - Quebec - Canada Is not Ottawa - Ontario - Canada
It's very annoying and error inducing.
Wrong city name !
All searches in my town (Gatineau) list it as Ottawa but should be Gatineau.
Gatineau - Quebec - Canada Is not Ottawa - Ontario - Canada
It's very annoying and error inducing.
The seach engine tries to infer the correct administrative area based on points. This is known behaviour of nominatim some search engines but doesn't mean that the data is incorrect
Well I don't know what is not incorrect if it list the incorrect city name.
Outaouais and Ottawa don't overlap in the data, so OSM data is correct.
They do show up here because Nomatim is wrong, I'm sure Nomatim devs do their best but it's often wrong, adding nearby locations.
I think here it sees this nearby node as near enough to be probably the correct city instead of looking at the boundary relation.
Is OrganicMaps using Nominatim? It seems that Nominatim's reverse geocoding returns the correct results there: https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/ui/details.html?osmtype=N&osmid=1134851553&class=place
Oh, damn, I didn't notice this was OM. I wrongly assumed this was the main website.
Gatineau - Quebec - Canada Is not Ottawa - Ontario - Canada
And it's definitely not Ottawa - Quebec - Canada. That's extra confusing!
There are a lot of incorrect towns in Australia too. It seems to be using the name of the map region instead of the name of the suburb or town
I agree that is most likely the reason. For me (in Germany) it always shows the wrong state for the city I live in because the map data is grouped with another bigger state.
I think it's rather an issue in Organic Maps and not wrong OSM data.
It's not even the region name as that would be Outaouais.
Yes it's not the geographic region name, but seems to use the map name
For example much of western Sydney is shown as Liverpool even though that is one area
Don’t quote me on this but i’m fairly sure someone can triangulate your home location from these distances so maybe censor it a bit?
All they will find is a restaurant lol but you are right.
This is why osm is great, submit a change!
Just an idea, I don't do this so you may want to hear from someone who does 😅
Why is this in English? Canada should only be French.