I wouldn't think I'd need to explain this to you, as a once "very important person".
But some people are simply worth more than others. They are better, you see.
There exists a hierarchy of individuals in which some individuals have more inherent value than other individuals, a ranking if you will.
Upholding the hierarchy is akin to upholding the laws of nature, and acting against the hierarchy is akin to breaking the laws of nature and is, by definition, evil.
It is clearly mental illness to consider yourself equal to your betters, and I'd advise everyone to seek aid if they feel the need to flatten any hierarchies.
I did card check for public sector employees, raised the minimum wage, and tried to sell a senate seat. I do not recognize the laws of the richest Americans, which is how I became a political prisoner and developed a relationship with Donald Trump.
Well said. This is why I always ask what people do for a living after asking for their name to determine if it is worth my time to engage in interaction with them.
P.S. I never remember their name. I always remember their profession. Janitor? NEXT
I open with my profession so they know whether it's worth their time speaking to me. It's only polite. I have a little fun, too. One day I'll be an accountant. One day I'll be a pot washer but in the military to watch them try to work out which 'troop' and 'lowlife' is the descriptor and which one is the profession.