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What hobby seems to have the worst hoarders?

I think people who are into crafts. They have all of these yarns, construction papers, various tools and stuff. All so that they can say that they have all of these projects in mind that they want to do. But they never do them so they get more crafting stuff and it just eats away storage until their place is practically consumed by it.

  • Crafters are definitely up there, overall - but I think wargamers might beat them. Hundreds to thousands of models, paints, brushes, terrain, carrying cases, books - it adds up to a hoard of epic proportions. That's just personal experience though. Lego fans can also get to be out there, and TCG players.

    • Gotta second the card gamers. I have no idea what cards are in my collection anymore, and i only have three longboxes of cards. I've seen far bigger collections. There's a few reasons a quit that hobby, and this is one of them.

  • Model Railroading.

    It's not the worst, but it requires all the key ingredients - you need to own a home large enough to have a 'spare' room, which means you've got disposable income. And displaying the trains is almost as much fun as running them, so you end building shelves and shelves, which then sprawl out to the rest of the house. Only to realize you're missing the 'key' one from that set, got to go find that, obviously.

    And then of course you can't throw away the boxes, because that would lower the resale value, so you need to rent a second storage unit. Not that you would ever sell them of course. But your kids will be sitting on a goldmine!

    And that's just the collection portion. It's a crafty hobby, from making scenery & waterfalls & little trees all the way to the special paints to make the engines look aged. That will need a room as well.

    And now that we've got the train shelves in the kitchen, you know, I could put a food themed railroad on the table there. Yes I already have the desert themed one in the train room and the prairie themed one in the living room and the snow theme layout in the hallway, but I don't have a silly one. No of course the Halloween theme one doesn't count.

  • You must have met my wife. My oath, the amount of fucking yarn and fabric in her stacked to the ceiling sewing room is horrendous. She couldn't knit enough blankets in her lifetime to use up half of it.

  • People who pick stuff off the curb, refurbish it, and resell it.

    My neighbor (apartments) does this but mostly around the time rent is due because she doesn’t have a job. She leaves her shit all over the property: half-finished furniture, tools to move it, etc.

  • I've read some really good answers, but imo there isn't a worst type. This will vary from person to person, some people don't get buried under the whatever they buy and others do, regardless of what their interests are.