You know, I was going to defend my home state but as I typed my comment I realized that she has no redeeming qualities aside from being pretty when no people are around. Especially where I’m from.
It’s all cousin fucking and methamphetamines. I wouldn’t take a job that offered me $100 an hour to go back. Seriously. I hate even driving through the shithole.
We can spare Huntington. It can be an island. Residents will approve as their property values will increase because now they have a lake as a neighbor instead of West Virginia.
It's considerably more insane because its doubling an existing massive river from northern Saskatchewan up to the exit point for no reason. Particularly in an area where there isn't enough infrastructure to support begin to support such an operation.
Using the same start point you already have the Mackenzie river going to Lake Athabasca. From there you have existing rivers and canals getting you to Lake Winnipeg, albeit somewhat inefficiently and would need expanding to get bigger ships through. Although you might need some locks to be added to get around the dams on Lake Winnipeg.
Making the only real canal section being Winnipeg to Superior, and then you're in the great lakes.
If you want the crazy option, get up to Lake Athabasca then go out through the Peace River to end at Bella Bella Coola, BC. Only have to cross several massive mountain ranges and do the crazy descent from BCs central interior plateau down to the ocean.
Sounds like you should speak with Robert Evans (not the director, the journalist) of Behind the Bastards, he wants to nuke the great lakes, so may as well tie your plan into his.
Shoot, one of Alaska's biggest northern settlements, if not the biggest, is an oil work camp. Look up Deadhorse / Prudhoe Bay. The road up there is totally worth taking if you're into birdwatching or really rugged roughing it.