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What video game company/developer/publisher loves shitting on it's fans?

My pick is Psyonix, the team behind the one and only Rocket League.

And why they're my pick is because they've been prioritizing elitist gamers over generally everyone of all skill levels. This is evident when you are penalized for leaving matches in Casual Mode that escalates from 5 minutes to even hours. Basically limiting and restricting your playtime on a game people had once paid for.

And I say once paid for because this game once had a price tag along with DLCs. Sometime a few years ago, Psyonix sold itself to Epic Games and flipped Rocket League to Free-to-Play or Freemium. They delisted the game from Steam and unless you had been accumulating anything before the delisting, you are SOL.

In the Epic Games version of Rocket League, you have to build back up everything that was once readily available when it was on Steam. Having to pick up common body parts, having to pick up decals, flags, wheels .etc

All of these are just one continual dump after another from Psyonix on the fans that truly are there to have a fun time and not be a foaming drooling tryhard of an elitist player.

  • Cloud Emperium Games and Star Citizen.

    They constantly lie about all sorts of matters (progress, release dates, financial matters, state of the company).

    Many of their senior community managerw are openly disrespectful to their backers.

    The founder, Chris Roberts, put his unqualified wife as CMO (she openly admitted to not knowing how metrics worked or what is SEO), while coming up with a fake last name for her and warning employees to keep their mouths shut about the fact they were married.

  • Blizzard. I've been recently thinking about how much of a "comfort food" the game is for me, and how no other game could ever get me the same feeling as returing back to a game I've spent literally months player over the last 15 years. It's my escapism, where I don't have to stress about anything and know so much about the game, that I don't have to learn anything new or unknown, which makes it even more comfortable. It's also a game where I have a lot of friends, and since they are in the similar boat, we usually just meet up for an expansion - but investing our whole group into another game usually just fails.

    The problem is, that Blizzard knows this and has started to exploit it. Milking players of as much money as they can, while abandoning their "Players First" motto and absolutely shitting over the playerbase by gutting most of the development teams that had some passion left, hiring management who didn't care about the game in the slightest and only was there to increase revenue and reduce costs as much as possible.

    It's more and more apparent, the game is in the worst and buggiest state as far as I remember, lot of content was cut, there's literally no customer support - people can be stuck for weeks with their character somewhere, while only response they get is an AI generated "FUCK YOU", and their only hope being that their post will blow up on reddit and someone will actually look at their case.

    The new book about Blizzard is so depressing read, and makes me extremely angry. Fuck all those people who ruined the company, even though one of the founding owners was extremely against it and fought for years to keep at least some semblance of original vision. And he lost.

    I hate that I always return to the game when I'm down and just need a serious dose of escapism from real life, that only this game can provide. I'm slowly trying to invest myself into other MMOs, and get rid of this toxic, gaslighting ex WoW has been for me. But what I hate the most is how obvious their change of priorities is in their recent games.

    I wish nothing but the worst for people who ruined Blizzard. We could've had second Larian, if it was Morhaime instead of Kodick and his greed who won.

    Thankfully, we have FFXIV and Path of Exile, that still respect players, and Blizz games can go fuck themselves. I hope I'll manage to finally transition from WoW for good this time.

  • Gearbox Games, Robert Space Industries and Ubisoft are the big ones that come to mind.

    Both indirectly (via just not respecting their customers in their products at all) and even directly (look at Dandy Pitchforks constantly whining about the mean mean players).

  • Nintendo, ubisoft, blizzard, every Microsoft studio etc...