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  • This stuff is purely for my manager and I’ve recently noticed he’s basically not paying attention. Losing so much time for a ritual lol.

    • it's basically this

      • I've lost my shit with people over this lol. Just sucks when you are like 3 hours in on something and then someone just comes along and makes small talk.

        I was fired from my last job because I was expected to write features AND do helpdesk support at the same time and just no... I was also fired because I suck at programming but still...

      • Learn to document more. It gets a little better with age once you must resign yourself to the fact that you will be interrupted at any point. If you document, you can resume easier and there's less mind shift inertia.

      • This has been my entire last week. Our client has a tight deadline for this feature I'm working on, in part due to their own indecisiveness and in part due to an external API developed by a big corporation being late and buggy. This means we're doing testing and bug fixing simultaneously with doing new development and even with speccing and estimating new subtasks. And with this client, this close to the deadline, every little bug is critical and needs to be fixed right away. Meanwhile, a junior developer is being onboarded to the project and another developer is working on a different feature derived from an architecture I made. There's always a fire I need to put out, a question I need to answer or a feature I need to describe. I'm writing more emails than code these days.

  • I normally go "what the fuck did I even do yesterday?" five minutes before daily standup and look at my git commits and calendar for the day before to piece together a plausible version of my workday (I do my timesheets the same way as well btw). Very little serious information gets passed on but somehow it makes my boss happy and he has told me that he likes the way I do standups.

    I work at a small company where most projects only have one or two developers so standup meetings are usually a lot of completely irrelevant information. It's very boring. "Yesterday I worked on the thing on the project you barely know what does."