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A petition has been created by an Austrian EU rep. to replace Windows with GNU/Linux in all Europe

The petition is open to all EU resident. The goal is to replace all Windows in all public institution in Europe with a sovereign GNU/Linux.

If the petition is successful it would be a huge step forward for GNU/Linux adoption.

  • I've always said governments and public institutions funded by taxpayers should use FLOSS and not be beholden to private companies. Any shortcomings or unfulfilled needs in Linux and FLOSS software would quickly be dealt with once large organizations like these started using it as the default, since they could easily fund whatever features or fixes are needed for significantly less money than they pay for proprietary software (especially now that these days they're forking over annual subscriptions), and thus they'd also have much more control over the making sure the software meets their needs.

    It seems like a no-brainer to me. Maybe it wasn't in the earlier days of Linux but not for the last decade or so.

    • Total proprietary capitalist hellscape

      Foss: "lol, we don't need you, we have lin-

      ENTER: new global Ai standards that depend on proprietary blobs that only work on nvidia hardware and Windows.

      Foss: "w-we don't need Ai."


      Foss: "STOP IT!"


  • For governments, I think the priority should be exchange and archive formats. Regardless of what apps and platforms they use, I as a citizen should be able to read that data via free software. Govt should be able to read what I provide to them. Govt in the future should be able to access archives if they have moved to free software.

    Next is the platform ( the OS and the web browser ). You can run your proprietary video editing on Linux. If demand on the scale of ALL European gov moved to Linux, I assure you that Linux versions of the software they need would exist ( even if still proprietary ). I use Outlook on Linux every day. I also use Teams ( usually on Edge ). RMS would hate me. But I only archive to AV1 and Opus, never HEVC and AAC. Most of what I use is FOSS.

    Least important really is the apps. I have no problem with companies solving problems better than FOSS and getting paid for it. Even by gov. As above though, those that do not need the “better” version should be free to use something else. And the “default” ( for things like basic docs ) should be FOSS too. This is just not as important as the file formats and platforms.