Thats one of the reasons i'm not having kids. I have a decent life by any metric but I had to work my ass off and face a tonne of resistance in my career. It always feels like I'm playing catch up with the cost of everything going up and up to the point where I'm just exhausted and depressed. Like, what is the point of living?! it honestly feels like theres just nothing left to enjoy anymore, everything has been monetized to hell and back. They told us as kids that you can be anything you want when you grow up, the future is bright and if you work hard you will be rewarded and its just not true. I can't do that to another person, these problems are only getting worse with no end in sight.
The catch-22 is that if the people with environmental values don't have kids, those values aren't passed on to the next generation (unless they become teachers or media personalities).
At this point I think the GOP are just taunting people who won't bring kids into this. Jokes on them though, if theyre having kids from some sort obligation and not to love and properly nurture them it's just bad news for everyone involved. Have fun with all that trauma.
Why do you think the politicians that are accelerating inequality are the same politicians that are trying to outlaw abortion?
They want babies because they need more workers to distribute inequality and produce more wealth for the shareholders. Foster kids are less likely to go to college, so they’re perfect fuel for the machine.
I'm Gen X, but cusp with Millennial. I said at 15 or 16 I'd never have kids & stuck with it. I'm more resolute than ever & feel like I would have massive guilt if I had caved. I felt the world was too fucked up back in the 90s. I wonder how my younger self would deal with the world today.
The deeper tragedy is in the meme as a whole. There has been so much power, control, and hope sucked away from us... and they try to replace it with panic (usually to buy a product or lie). I would like to believe that the situation is not hopeless, and that we are not powerless...
A shitty life situation has never stopped anybody from having kids. Quite the opposite, the less educated a society and the lower the prospect of comfort, the more kids people have. Poor and miserable people fuck for fun and don't care about proper contraceptives, resulting in more kids. Further more, people believe that the more kids you'll have, the more likely it is that one of them is going to end up rich and successfull.
Give me a break. How about the people having kids in:
-900,000: Whatever happened to kill off almost all humans
-1177: Bronze Age collapse
535: Volcanic winter of 536
1347-1351: Black Death
1914-1918: WWI and Spanish Flu
1929-1939: Great Depression and Dust Bowl
1962: Great Leap Forward
1943-1945: Worst killings and bombings of WWII
2020: For our lifetimes. COVID and 100 other disasters. So bad most have forgotten it started with Australia burning to the ground, 1 billion animals killed.
As to racism, we watched Mississippi Burning last night. My wife isn't from America and was horrified. "Honey, that was happening when our parents were kids."
Im amazed at how much X has had kids. Seems nuts. Then I realize I might have done it if I had went 4 years to college and started working right after and if within a few years made a family raising type of wage. That double major and one year in a PhD may have saved me.
Kudos to those not having kids. I've had two recently fully knowing it's going to be tough on them, but I'm going to do the responsible thing and teach them self defense and how to disrespect authority.
Plus as a bonus, I'm going to get those additional family members when we're protecting the homestead from raiders.
The trouble with this graphic is that millennials are part of the problem now. The oldest are over forty. We've all seen the footage of Jan 6th. There were very few boomers in their 60 and 70s.
Ironically, if temperature gets to a high degree enough, so much water vapor, methane and carbon dioxide will be on the atmosphere capturing heat (which will eventually escape), but more importantly, reflecting it on the upper atmosphere layers, that we will freeze to death before even feeling the burn LMAO 🤣
Its bad, I get it. But lets go back to 1968 when baby boomers who would give birth to the millennial generation was born. Vietnam, political assassinations , race riots, anarchist bombings. Throw in watergate and stagflation. The world has always been burning.
Well you can have them, then just say "screw them" cause you got your own problems to deal with as western society would prefer you act.
Their only purpose is to support you when you get old anyways. Everyone knows that.
Honestly if I have a kid it would only to raise them to be a post apocalyptic war lord and hopefully give them a tragic enough backstory to survive the wasteland on.
Look... Um... Don't take this the wrong way because global warming is serious shit... and the fascism trend is super scary... But don't think you're the only generation that has a scary world outlook. You got to live your life. You've got to get the most out of this world that you can. As hard as it is to believe, things are better now than they ever have been in the history of time. Unarguably.
There are many things to be unhappy about, there are many things that we should fight to change, but it's self-defeating to only see the negative and to be this cynical. You have to see life as it is and enjoy the positives, savior the positives, Go out where the weather is good, find a special person and bask in their company, And yes, start a family with them. Create a pocket of goodness in your little slice of the world... Keep the rest of the shit out. Create memories and love and laughter and joy where you can. This is the way it's been done since forever.
Our parents and grandparents had kids - depending on your age - when there was a world war and tens of thousands of people were dying daily in their country, or in the 50 years where the world was always on the brink of getting destroyed in a nuclear apocalypse if one of the two world powers made the wrong move. Were they dumb?
Not to downplay on the current emergencies which are existential and terrifying, especially seeing how little as a species we are doing to address them - but they are a bit of a silly reason not to have kids.
If you don’t want kids don’t have them, you do you :) far too many people have children out of peer or societal pressure or just carelessness, and we could really use much fewer of those, considering the societal damage of absent or careless parenting. But just be honest with yourself, no need to blame viruses and “no toilet paper”.
I love the part were they kind of observe it in a detached, third person point of view, as if it didn't affect them at all, and taking care of the issue in any way was beyond even their wildest dreams, just because they consider themselves above the issue.
Oh, but by all means, keep self pruning your evolutionary tree branch.
But do try to use those extra resources to last a bit. You don't want to miss the global chaos the lack of social security is gonna create in about 20 to 30 years, it's gonna be sick