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Is there a line from a movie that really resonated with you but when you say it most people don't get the reference?

Mine is from an early 2000s film called Vanilla Sky.

“The sweet is never as sweet without the sour.”

  • Mine is from City Slickers. Billy Crystal keeps saying "hellooooooo" to the cows in a kind of half-moo voice. I use it all the time and no one gets it.

  • There's a line right at the end of an extremely obscure animated film from when I was a kid. It ain't a great movie. And I didn't fall in love with it even at the time, but that line somehow stuck in my mind to this day and I re-discovered it a couple months ago. I'll just hint that it takes place in a sky world and Mark f*ckin' Hamill does the narration. "Comme des anges" is the line in question (Since I saw it in French as a kid) but it probably translates to "Like angels" in English. I tried to find it and it was impossible to stream or buy that movie in any form nowadays.