More Bill Hicks commenting on current events 30 years ago...
They believe the bible is the exact word of God – Then they change the bible! Pretty presumptuous, hu huh?
“I think what God meant to say…”
I have never been that confident.
Next we have a bible out called ‘The New Living Bible’, it’s the bible in updated and modern English. I guess to make it more palatable for people to read. But its really weird, when you listen to it.
“And Jesus walked on water. And Peter said, ‘Awesome!'”
Suddenly we got Jesus hanging ten across the Sea of Galilee. Christ’s Bogus Adventure, you know. Deuteronomy 90210, you know.
I know that effectively this is just the machine cobbling together a pastiche of real people's interpretations; nonetheless, to my Christian upbringing, this feels satanic.
As someone who has read the entire Bible in a past life: a LLM summary would have been better for most of it tbh
There were more than a few prayers in which I apologized to God Almighty for completely losing interest while reading the Holy Word that he worked so hard on
It reads like an ad written by some Silicon Valley ghoul trying to get Christian bazingas on board with AI language learning models. If you look at it from the perspective of "someone was paid to write this," it becomes infinitely more evil.
IIRC cherry picking the Bible was completely fine in Christian fundamentalism, because they considered that the Bible was free from error, every word was literal truth (storehouse of facts even in geology, biology, etc.), and was intended for the reader now as opposed to the reader when it was written (so context isn't needed).