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A Painted Vault Lid Discovered In Royal Palace Of Ek' Balam Will Shed Light On History Of The Acropolis Of Ek’ - Ancient Pages A Painted Vault Lid Discovered In Royal Palace Of Ek' Balam Will Shed Light On History Of The Acropolis Of Ek’ - Ancient Pages

Archaeologists in Mexico have discovered a painted ancient vault lid, decorated with a depiction of a serpent. Ek' Balam was occupied from the Middle Preclassic through the Postclassic, although it ceased to thrive as a major city past the Late Classic.

A Painted Vault Lid Discovered In Royal Palace Of Ek' Balam Will Shed Light On History Of The Acropolis Of Ek’ - Ancient Pages

Archaeologists in Mexico have discovered a painted ancient vault lid, decorated with a depiction of a serpent. Ek' Balam was occupied from the Middle Preclassic through the Postclassic, although it ceased to thrive as a major city past the Late Classic.