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Stage of Play, September 14, 2023 games.( Baby Steps, Roblox, 2 VR games and RE 4) Stage of Play, September 14, 2023 games.( Baby Steps, Roblox, 2 VR games and RE 4)

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As usual, we got another Stage of play where they showed some new games that will come out this year and the next one. The show started with a very "unique" game called Baby Steps, I admit I was laughing at the dialogue between characters, I have no idea what the game is about but I am interested to know more. Baby Steps is being produced by Bennet Foddy, Gabe Cuzzillo, and Maxi Boch and it will come out in the summer of 2024. Next, we got the confirmation that yes, indeed, Roblox will be available for PlayStation 4 and 5 on October 10, 2023.