Half as Hot
Half as Hot
Half as Hot
30°C is 303 Kelvin. Half of that is 151 Kelvin, which translates into a fairly mild -122°C!
Takes out hockey stick
New strategy to prevent global warming: just freeze all of the CO2 out of the air!
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
That's one of the ways proposed for terraforming Venus. Put in a sun shield to freeze the planet, let the CO2 snow down, then process the CO2 into something that can sequester it away so it doesn't just go back into the atmosphere after removing the sun shield.
Of course none of that is technically possible right now, but it's a lot easier on a planet that has no (known) life to destroy while working through the process.
mmm, delicious carbonjack
Dry snow doesn't sound like too bad of a proposition on its own.
Aka a cool 272 Rankine for our US folks.
I would be willing to bet there are more people in the US using Kelvin in their jobs than Rankine.
Lb-mole? That one I'm not sure.
To me, these wanna-be scientific units are weird, like, just use metric at that point 😅
Also 1000th of an inch. Like, come on! You're just teasing us
Wait, does it? Are joules in thermal energy per kelvin a purely linear relationship?
For the most part, it varies by material and state of matter, but assuming the chemical composition doesnt change and no material changes phase, then it is pretty close to linear in most materials.
Fun fact: gas pressure changes linearly with temperature. If you make one of these plots at mild conditions you can extrapolate the line down to zero pressure and measure where absolute zero temperature is
Granted. Celsius now range from 0 to 50
Edit: ... or whatever unit you prefer. It's still the same
Reminds me of a time one of my friends was happy that it was going to warm up and said something like "it's going to be twice as warm tomorrow". It was going from maybe 20F to 40F or something.
That led to an interesting discussion.
This knowledge comes in handy with marketing BS around CPU coolers. If an aftermarket cooler gets a CPU to 35C when the stock cooler is at 70C, marketing will sometimes claim it cut temperatures in half.
I mean.... that's literally half though
edit: I am not a science man and I am in over my head in this argument
But it's not.
Celsius and Faernheit are interval scales, not rational scales. The absolute change from one number to the next is consistent, but since you can go into the negatives, 1 is not double 2.
Kelvin and Rankine are rational because they use an absolute zero.
308.15K is not half of 343.15K
Do you also say "the temperature in the freezer has doubled" when it goes from -12°C to -24°C? Any thing else would be disingenuous.
Usually that should mean it cuts the difference ambiant and CPU in half. Anything else would just be stupid or a lie.
I use this as an example for interval vs ratio; you can't halve Celsius because it's an interval scale where zero is arbitrary. Kelvin is ratio as it has an absolute zero-- you very much can halve it and doom near the entire planet next summer
Doom near the entire planet
Next Summer
Coming to theaters near you
Careful, half of what, kelvin?
That is indeed the joke.
Obviously we'd all die but I wonder how exactly. This would make a good question for Randall Munroe.
90 F to Kelvin, halved and converted back, is approximately -190.
It's difficult to find data on what exposure to that temperature would do, the threshold for an extreme cold warning (meaning absolutely do not go outside without heavy protection unless you want necrotic frostbite) is about 150 F warmer than that.
It depends on conductive and convective transfer at that point. The atmosphere would be vastly different as that's well below the point where CO2 would snow out but you should still have enough gasses to flash freeze you.
A good genie would instantly invent a metric of "number of degrees in excess of room temperature"
The indoor temperature is always at room temperature and vice versa. It's not constant though.
Is the temperature scale directly proportional to the heat energy? I think the amount of energy needed to raise water by 1 degree is the same no matter the starting temperature for example. Is 100°K double the heat energy of 50°K?
Kelvin doesn’t have degrees btw you just say 50K or 100K because it’s an absolute temperature scale as opposed to an arbitrary or relative one like Fahrenheit or Celsius. I’d expect that the energy would be double though that’s more of a feeling.
As long as the mixture of the substance remains constant and there are no phase changes, heat energy and temperature are linear and half the heat energy is half the temperature. In reality this only works for solids because otherwise, halving the heat energy would definitely involve phase changes.
Well at some point you encounter a phase change, which complicates things, but mostly the heat capacity (how much energy it takes to raise the temperature) is fairly constant. In an ideal gas it is exactly constant, but that is a bit of an approximation, even if it works quite well for most gases.
That wish just condenses the atmosphere of half of the planet for half of the time. How do you like your puddles of liquid oxygen now?
Could someone please explain?
Let's say the summer average is 30⁰C or 303.15 Kelvin
The absolute coldest possible temperature is -273.15⁰C, or 0K.
Halfway between absolute zero and 30⁰C/303.15K is somewhere around -121⁰C/152K
So if it were half as hot in the summer, it would be colder than ever recorded on earth.
In short, you don't want to use a temperature scale with an arbitrary starting point for doing calculations like this. The freezing point of water is no more or less arbitrary than the freezing point of oxygen or sodium or anything else. It's just one that's somewhat useful for everyday use. When handling calculations for multiplying temperature, you want an absolute scale like Kelvin.
Or Rankine if you're that kind of pervert.
Probably want it between the winter temperature and the current summer temperature, but genies are traditionally fickle and pounce on any ambiguity
Is that Kurt Angle?
I think it's acute angle
No, it's Kur Tangle
Is it hotter down south than it is in the summer?