It's just like the Bible says , "Blessed are you who are poor, but not too poor to pay the bill, for yours is the healthcare, those other freeloaders can just die".
Adding: Let's also not forget the parable of the Good Samaritan, which is about a man who finds an injured foreigner on the road, and deports his ass.
The law says we don't allow non citizens bleed out on the curb rather than treat them, just like the rest of civilized world. I guess in Texas that is still a question.
Fuck POS crippled ass Abbott. Who he claims god saved him...but didn't and couldn't save home B4 the tree fell on him...stupid as f...fuck TX and the Republicunts running as well as their POS AG the fucking IQ 2 im imbecile who wants tx to be a theocracy...i gave up my license in chat state to practice along time ago and never plan on returning...religion poisons everything