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Non-English speaking programmers, do you write your comments in your native language?

I ask because sometimes I feel very silly when writing clumsily in English and even sillier when I have to look up how to spell a particular word.

I want to know if I'm the only idiot that it happens to or if on the contrary it's something generalized.

(Mi idioma es el Español, por cierto)

  • This is interesting, I've thought of this before.

    I write comments and commit messages in English, mainly because programming is collaborative. I am a member of a local association of young programmers, and in the community (discord, meetups) we speak Finnish, however all interactions on github are in English, so are function and variable names, as well as comments. If someone makes a PR and it's reviewed, it happens in English, even if both parties are native Finns.

  • German here.

    I am not writing anything in my code in German. All of my code, my variables, my default texts, my comments, my documentation, my UI strings, etc. are always and explicitly in English.

    The only German I use, is when I provide translations for UI or documentation.

  • I write in the official communication language of the company, because that's guaranteed that everyone that will be hired will have to speak that language. I came from Brazil and it is a massive country and most of the population doesn't have access to good English courses, so I like to go with the easiest solution for all future joiners

  • If I'm working for someone else (company or otherwise), I'll write comments and docs in whatever language I can speak that they want me to (which pretty much means I write comments in English, because I rarely work for Hungarian companies nowadays, and even the ones I did work for preferred English, and these are the only two human languages I can write :().

    When working on my own projects, it is always English, because Hungarian doesn't have good translations for many of the technical terms, so half my comments would be English borrowed words anyway. Might aswell write the rest in English too. Also makes it easier for others to chime in, because there are a whole lot more people speaking English than Hungarian.

    It was harder in the beginning, when my command of the English language was far worse, but even then, half-Hungarian/Half-English comments just looked weird, and more jarring than full English, even if that English was kinda bad.

  • No, It will look so wierd.

    • Exactly. In case you haven't noticed, English is defacto communication language in most paradigms, especially in the programming domain.

      Even broken English passes as English nonetheless

  • I code in English by habit, comments included. I sometines write comments in French when writing code just for me, but code I write that is meant to be used by others is in English.

  • At my job we write everything in english. Code comments, variable names, review comments. Everything. It's just to make everything readable to people who don't know our language because some people in the office are from other countries.

  • I do write them in English for personal projects. On everything else it depends on the requirements of the project.

  • I only know how to write English, but if I knew writing in multiple languages I would write the comment in both languages

    • We should definitely make a plugin that will translate English comments into any language