Former KKK leader David Duke endorses Jill Stein
Former KKK leader David Duke endorses Jill Stein

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Former KKK leader David Duke endorses Jill Stein
The latest news and live updates on the 2024 election. Follow the Trump-Vance and Harris-Walz campaigns ahead of the presidential election in November.
Hmm.. I wonder why a certain user who’s been posting non-stop about third-party candidates for the entire lifespan of their account chose to ignore this particular article. One would assume it’s important for the voting public to know about this, no?
Who are you referring to? I'm debating some "Harris needs to earn my vote. So it's her fault if Trump wins." idiots right now.
I don’t know about you, but I’m saving this post for future citations.
Solid plan.
and be sure to save this too:
Stein’s campaign says it wants nothing to do with Duke, the former American Nazi Party member
Stein’s campaign manager, Jason Call, disavowed the endorsement and called Duke “trash.”
how does this article impact anyone's support for a 3rd party?
Because it's already been posted here and this community doesn't allow duplicate posts. It's also been posted in Politics Unfiltered.
I don't know what user you're referring to, but I've commented in this thread. And I posted another article referring to David Duke and Jill Stein.
I thought it was interesting, so I posted it. Thank you! :)
I can't laugh heard enough about this.
Someone should cross post this to a certain Satanist’s page.
Fake* Satanist
Luckily, I can still hear laughs.
ERMAGHERD dat typo!
What I suspect is happening here is that an endorsement of this nature can be seen as a "kiss of death" - folks who might otherwise vote for a candidate might be turned off once they hear this news.
Last time it seems the GOP candidate got the endorsement and lost, so to prevent a "kiss of death" effect in this election he is endorsing a spoiler in order to continue drawing votes away from Harris, while hoping to retain votes for the GOP candidate, causing the election to swing to a GOP win.
Remember, as the GOP guy famously said, "A vote for Stein is a vote for me!"
(Now, will this strategy actually be effective? I have doubts that enough people pay attention to this group for it to be relevant.)
ouch, that didnt age well for Stein. Well I'm onboard with her owning that David Duke endorsement then.
You gonna lol at that while harris has been endorsed by cheney and tons of other fash trash?
Yeah, 100%. Because it's ironic.
Yes, because they understand what a threat to their own existence Trump is. They are doing it out of self interest.
David Duke just likes Jill Stein's views lmao.
You ding dongs just lazily skim headlines, post as perceived support for your argument and don't realize that the article content just highlights how laughable your stated position is - the article that you posted basically talks about these generally horrible people tried everything they could to get on board with trump's horseshit through their well developed deny/lie skillset... and they couldn't. Them supporting a Harris vote speaks more to the failure of trump to state any rational coherent plan that these evil selfish cowards could get on board with. These fuckers want the USA to live so they can try to fuck it again in the future, so they endorse the adult in the room.
republicans needs Democrats to rebuild the jenga board every other election cycle so they can have something to headbutt on their next turn. trump wants to take the already toppled board, shove a few pieces up his ass and set the rest on fire Bertie flipping the entire table. Then he wants to make you walk the floor covered in broken, flaming Jenga blocks barefoot. And during all of this, kid rock music is playing VERY LOUD.
Dems are going to jettison their entire green energy platform and blame Jill Stein.
The funniest part about this is I had no idea David Duke was alive. He was the main villain of BlackKKlansman. Imagine living to see yourself get written as the villain of a hit movie.
Also, mandatory fuck David Duke and Jill Stein.
Hahahaha. Of course he did.
Can we all finally agree that supportingJill Stein is being the 11th person at the table?
If you think this reflects badly on stein ask yourself 2 questions, did he endorse her because she's also a white supremacist? Did she accept the endorsement?
The answer to the first is probably no since stein is a Jewish women so I don't think she'd get along well with all the other white supremacists who think she's sub-human. The reason he endorsed her was because she's the only one who would end the war in Gaza and fight the "Jewish lobby". If your a Zionist and believe that any action against Israel is anti-Semitic then yeah stein and Duke are the same. If you live outside that delusional world then you'd recognize dukes dislike for Israel and steins, (and most of the worlds) dislike for Israel come from two completely different values systems and world views.
The answer to the second is easier, No, her campaign rejected it and called him trash as soon as they heard about it.
So does this actually reflect badly on stein, or is this just the ravings of an insane person who's trying to elect a Jewish woman to take out his imagined grand Jewish conspiracy? Critique stein if you want but this is nothing.
I generally agree with you, but it does make her eat some of her own words as pointed out elsewhere in this comment section:
Stein stans refusing to engage with this screencap while also arguing that it's okay because Stein disavowed Duke's endorsement:
Thank you for bringing logic to this thread!
David Duke is responsible for my phase where I grew out of a simplistic view of politics and economics and started looking into things a little deeper. Hear me out: Back in the day, I went through a Libertarian phase. I supported Ron Paul. I was young and stupid, what can I say? Anyway, I read some news article that claimed that David Duke donated to his campaign. I was like, “Hmmm, what’s this all about?” And so began my realization that things are never as simple as we want them to be. So, thanks for being a racist dick, David Duke. Without your donation to Ron Paul raising my suspicions, it may have been at least a few more months before I picked up on the rotten smell. I might have actually put that stupid bumper sticker on and everything (shudder).
David Duke's endorsement is a slander, and I think he knows that and uses it intentionally.
In this recent case, yes. I never made a statement one way or the other on that in my comment, though. Being the type of person he is, he has the choice of being either serious or unserious with his endorsements. Putin does the same thing when he makes some sort of open statement regarding who he would prefer to win the election.
Back in the day, I went through a Libertarian phase. I supported Ron Paul.
You and the entirety of reddit in the 2012 election I think. To be fair, there's plenty liberals and libertarians agree on. Unfortunately, you can share some common beliefs with someone and they can still be a piece of shit.
Lol so wait.
You stopped being a Libertarian because someone donated to someone else? Are you serious? You know that... anyone can donate to anyone, right? It doesnt mean there is a mutual friendship lol. Sheesh, never seen remote intelligence from the .world TLD that's for sure.
The thought process is "do I really want to be a part of a system that the KKK has decided furthers/aligns with goals etc"
If something is good for racists it's probably worth a critical examination.
It was quite a bit more complicated than that, of course. That was just the first catalyst that sent me down a new road.
Best endorsement dems could hope for, really.
I see this more as a loss of support for Trump, just like the many Republican endorsements for Harris. It doesn't change Stein's chances either way, and who supports someone is more a sign of how that person leans, not the candidate.
What will be interesting (but again, inconsequential) is how Stein will treat this. Ignore? Simple thanks? A rally to try and pull more of those who would follow him? (I think some will see where I'm going there)
They rejected it. From the article:
Stein’s campaign manager, Jason Call, disavowed the endorsement and called Duke "trash."
"We had no idea about this and are very, very not interested in David Duke's endorsement," Call told NBC News.>
Nothing can hurt or help Stein's chances. She’s not a real choice. I don’t even think she's on enough states' ballots to get the required number of electoral votes.
Right? Imagine Trump not being racist enough for David Duke. I bet he'd be really mad if he weren't straight vibin
It doesn't change Stein's chances either way
Which is 0% since she literally cannot win enough electoral votes.
Aaaaand there ya go. This is all you need to know about Jill Stein right? Because if Harris is a conservative because of Cheney’s endorsement….
Or are the rules different?
Stein's campaign says it wants nothing to do with Duke, the former American Nazi Party member.
It's one thing to be endorsed by an undesirable party, it's another to accept it or even invite them to campaign with you.
Jill rejected the endorsement, unlike Harris
Yep, funny how may people are overlooking that!
The rules are the same. They're both trash.
Cornel West 2024. Zero endorsements from republicans and other white supremacists.
To counter your little edit there:
No endorsements, eh?
Hey look everyone!
It’s yet another “third party candidate supporter” that seemingly never says anything at all to ever support their candidate aside from just trashing Harris and Harris alone.
Trump who? Amirite?
Fucking. LOL.
Yeah I mean what else is there to say. Damn.
Didn't Richard Spencer endorse Biden in a game of 64D chess as a 5000 IQ play?
Still either way, Jill's an Ableist Transphobe on Putin's payroll and even if she wasn't, she cannot win a single state under the current Electoral College so she could be literally the second coming of Christ and it wouldn't matter.
Ok, that's pretty funny. An endorsement shouldn't be taken too seriously (given a certain string of endorsements I don't like for Harris) but it's still really funny. Fuck Jill Stein.
And they declined his endorsement:
Stein’s campaign says it wants nothing to do with Duke, the former American Nazi Party member
Stein’s campaign manager, Jason Call, disavowed the endorsement and called Duke “trash.”
How is he still alive? He has been an annoying public figure since the 80s.
Dem think-tank funded healthcare.
Please don’t summon them.
They're just at their Latter Day Satanic Trump rally. Give em time
Why do people even care what a gross white supremacist thinks?
because if a gross white supremacist starts saying/doing things I agree with I need to evaluate if he's changing or if I'm changing.
This. Actually this. This right here.
There's an argument to be made about broken clocks, but sometime the answer is simpler than that. "Have I become the asshole?" It's not fun to run into that, and I have on multiple occasions. You have to be aware of your biases, and check them on occasion in case they've drifted while you're not paying attention.
This is a real head scratcher.
I think he's just trolling. Neo Nazi endorses Jewish woman?
Yeah maybe he's pulling a putin here and we'll find out he donated to the trump campaign. But Jill Stein is such a weird pick.
Republicans trying to spliff off more blue votes from Harris.
IMO, if I had to make a theory on it I would guess he's trying to pull anti-democrat "leftist" activists into racist conspiracy holes as Jimmy Dore, RFK Junior, and Tulsi Gabbard have all shown that's a pathway to a trump bullshit.
Yes racists, please vote for Jill
Damn and after all Donald Trump did for him.
Very funny that this KKK leader endorsed the Green Party candidate because she was the only one anti-Israel. Something something horseshoe theory I guess.
Hahaha holy shit
Not a good look for Jill Stein.
As opposed to all those favorable looks she's been accumulating.
Is anything??
Why? She has nothing to do with him, and the party even said so. From the article:
Stein’s campaign says it wants nothing to do with Duke, the former American Nazi Party member
Stein’s campaign manager, Jason Call, disavowed the endorsement and called Duke “trash.”
How long until she drops out now? Jr dropped out soon after Rogan endorsed him.
She won’t. She’s a Dem spoiler. That’s her purpose. RFK was supposed to be that, too, but he wasn’t pulling enough Dems and was pulling too many Rs. So, he dropped and they tried to pull back those Rs with an endorsement.
Do you really think she'll drop out with only 3 weeks to go?! Ain't gonna happen, friend.
No more burnin no more hangin. From now on we will compost the bodies. #GreenHoods
You mean the guy former NFL quarterback David Duke Carr was probably named after?
Stein's campaign says it wants nothing to do with Duke, the former American Nazi Party member
Stein’s campaign manager, Jason Call, disavowed the endorsement and called Duke "trash."
That is how it is done. Unlike Harris. Who went on a parade with Liz Cheney, and praised Dick Cheney for his work after they endorsed her.
You do know that you need the other party’s voters to jump ship to win the election, right?
What? That's never been the case in any election. The parties only get candidates to ~40% or so. And turnout is far more impactful than people crossing party lines.
Even under the (completely unreal) philosophy that turnout is fixed and that every single voter has a default party, that still wouldn't mean you need the other party's voters. One of the parties will have >50%.
You can also appeal to the disaffected Leftists jumping ship, or the non-voters. You don't need to campaign to the right of your predecessor.
So why did Jill Stein reject David Duke's endorsement?
Dems already have the other party's candidate.
Thank you!!
A piece shit likes the smell of their own.
I'm not a Stein voter, but blaming candidates when other people endorsing them seems odd.
How about this: "I have sex with farm animals all day long, and on behalf of the farm animal love society, I endorse Kamala Harris!"
So now should we write news stories about Harris being the bestiality candidate?
no, right. So why is everyone doing it to Stein?
..Are you guys listening to me or still think of bestiality?
Finally. A sensible decision.
Centrists haven't been this happy about an endorsement since Cheney-senpai noticed them.
Duke, a proudly antisemitic white supremacist, endorsed Trump in 2016 and 2020, but on his radio show yesterday, he slammed Trump's "subservience to Israel and to the Jewish lobby" and said only Stein would stand up to Israel and its "genocide" against Palestinians.
Weird… sounds like a lot of “leftists” on lemmy…
Democrats: Jill Stein is draining voters off of Harris and could cost us the election!
Jill Stein voters: See article title.
Ah yes, third party candidates: the most informed of voters.
Of course Lemmy (which is leftist when it comes to politics because "left is the good guys!!1!1") cares so much about something so stupid.
Hey yall, David Duke endorses people but that doesnt mean theyre in cahoots lol. Sheesh this is pathetic.
And Putin endorsed Harris. These people know that their endorsement is a vote against that candidate, not for them.
Everyone's so focused on putting Jill Stein down so that those votes go to Harris. Any ideas on how we can get tiered voting implemented so that third parties are viable choices instead of being the same as not voting at all?
If you want a third party, then vote for them for state government or something local. Green is not a serious party because they have no local elected politicians and cannot win the presidency. We’ve already been through this when Ross Perot successfully knocked out Bush in 92, Dole in 96, and Nader knocked out Gore in 2000. You can vote for whoever you want but when you see who’s behind her campaign, it’s clear she’s being promoted in order to hurt Harris.
Start local. Where I live we have ranked choice voting for mayor.
Except the Putin one was a joke apparently
The KKK one not so much...
Dude endorses Trump back to back for past two election cycles and suddenly swings as far as he can in the opposite direction? Seems believable /s
Cornel West 2024!!!
Harris is openly embracing Dick Cheney endorsements, lol. It is nothing for Jill to reject it. This is also the same crowd that "Biden has changed for his segregationist" lmao.
I think you’re misunderstanding the Cheney’s support.
Dick and Liz (and Bush and others) aren’t supporting Harris because she aligns with them or they like her. They’re doing it because trump is so heinous, literally anything is better than a second trump term.
They don’t want Harris; they’ve just reached the conclusion trump will destroy the GOP. And they’re right.
As Lindsay Graham said in 2016:
If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed.......and we will deserve it.
This is self-preservation.
cheney is evil but he doesn't support the kkk.
Because you joined the fediverse and haven't bothered to customize your feed.
You can block people/instances and if this is so irritating you should do that instead of complaining.
I still like her though. I didn't vote for her, but I love how much drama she has caused the Democratic Party. :)
Yeah all of this is clear. And it tracks that you agree with David Duke on this.
All the way down to lying about voting for a third party instead of for MAGA.
Hi friend! What an interesting article. I too agree with KKK grand wizard David Duke that democracy has got to go. That's why I'm voting third party!!