I think everyone collectively agrees hiatus > padded content. I stopped watching around whole cake island because episodes we're going a quarter chapter. I'm glad their finally starting to see this, I'm guessing the previous approach was starting to lose viewership or just not be as profitable as it used to be.
Which is one of the reasons why I typically recommend One Pace over the actual series to people. It fixes just about all of the issues I had with watching the series. It also makes it easier to get caught up if you've lagged pretty far behind the weekly schedule.
This works out perfectly for me. I started watching the anime a few months ago, but I lost steam around halfway through, so this gives me some time to take a break before catching up!
3, but yeah. I'd have them on while I was working since the pacing is pretty easy to follow. Plus I'd read the manga back in the early 2000's, so I could remember the major plot points well enough without needing to devote my full attention.
Well usually it's supposed to take less than a month so he's not really doing anything impressive. 12 days of watch time when there are 30 days in a month. Assuming you sleep for 8 hours, you even have around 4 hours left for various activities!
honestly very interested in what the recut Fishman Island will be. I think that arc is probably the worst one in the anime, but I really love a lot of the characters, Fisher Tyger especially. I'm actually interested in seeing it touched up.