I was gifted a SkyShowtime voucher for an electronics purchase but piracy is somewhat legal and easy in the Czech Republic, so I won't use it.
You'll most likely have to VPN into the Czech Republic to use the voucher but the (limited!) range of shows will be also available in English, Spanish, Polish or Hungarian. IDK if the UI language can be set. A dollar will also be blocked from your credit card but will be returned when you cancel the subscruption.
To claim the voucher, DM me your e-mail and "My Czech VPN is ready. I promise not to watch Deer Squad" so that I can make sure that you will be able to use it. The first person will be sent an e-mail with the code and instructions on how to redeem it. I will provide support if you encounter any issues.
Note that the selection of shows is limited and most are shit. Highlights include (not guaranteed to be available):
Yeah, there are things nobody wants even for free. I hope SkyShowtime crashes and burns. I’ll probably just paste the code in some coupon-aggregating website.