meme image. Top part has text on white background:
Android: file saved successfully.
Me: and where exactly it is saved
Below that is a black and white picture of a chimpanzee (or is that a bonobo?) dressed in a long sleeve shirt and smoking a cigarette, with the caption "who the fuck knows"
Yeah I figure it's a small thing to do that can help others enjoy the stuff I enjoy, so I try to caption stuff whenever I have the energy. Also I have macular degeneration because my immune system hates me, so I'm acutely aware that I might eventually need image descriptions myself
You can save files but it'll always give you that Files dialog, and it can only ever save to your iCloud account. You can't even browse the rest of the file system
Looks like you’re right. i remember that being a problem in a lot of earlier versions to the point where i haven’t even tried recently to get it to work that way.
Yes, but is it in the Download folder on the SD card or the Download folder on main storage, the Downloads pseudo folder or the Documents folder or the other Documents folder or the pseudo folder, and which one out of SD card and main memory is /storage/emulated/ld1xf? a file explorer? People just can't be bothered to learn the file systems anymore. If it's not on the desktop/main screen, they are confused. A small amount of people actually know. 25+ to -40 give or take a few years
But then what? Did the app tell you where it saved your file? No, many apps don't. So now you have to check in which of the several synonym-of-the-word-picture named folders that image is.
That's just annoying. I want files I download to default into the downloads folder, for me to then put them wherever I want them to be.
You know, I do agree that many people would probably benefit from learning a bit more about the devices they use, but some devices just do things in a stupid way.
File EXPLORER. Explore your files. Best way to learn what is where. Literally go hunting and you'll learn where things are located and then if you care enough you can learn why.
It might be annoying but learning your devices can make it not annoying as it typically won't change.
It's -60 at this point, gen-x had computers too (arguably more versed in computing due to having to use command line terminals). It's the boomers and zoomers with the issues.
Using and understanding are VERY different also cannot deny that the AVERAGE over 40-45 can use, but don't understand and the same applies to people that Are typically under 25 as well...
Applications/devices are DESIGNED so you don't need logical thinking.