UK Labour to commit almost £22bn to fund carbon capture and storage projects
UK Labour to commit almost £22bn to fund carbon capture and storage projects

Investment will fund two CCS clusters – but environmental campaigners have criticised plans

UK Labour to commit almost £22bn to fund carbon capture and storage projects
Investment will fund two CCS clusters – but environmental campaigners have criticised plans
Government is blowing money on the oil and gas industry again, what a shocker. (Context: carbon capture is a scam)
It's great that the UK got to vote in the other pro-oil party after 14 years of the pro-oil party. Thank goodness they dumped Corbyn, with his silly ideas of doing things to make people's lives better.
I love how part of their reasoning is to somehow help with our dependence on the whims of the international oil and gas markets, as if this in any way addresses that. Unlike, you know, £22bn worth of wind, solar, tidal or nuclear energy might?
Wow that’s a lotta wasted cheese