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Firefox and Google

Curious what others' thoughts are about the monopoly ruling for Google and potential effects on Firefox. Last I knew the fix was not determined yet, but with Firefox's main source of income being from Google paying them to Goolge their default search, makes me wonder if lawsuits like this could actually backfire on current competition and not actually produce a more competitive environment. Not sure how Firefox could recover if the courts ruling would be Google can't make these deals.

  • People have rightly said that their executives are overpaid. However it's unclear what revenue streams they have. In terms of user services they sell a VPN. I think that's about it. That's not going to cut it even if they do lay off tons of people.

    Browsers are complicated pieces of software and there needs to be a lot of money behind them if they're going to succeed.

  • Whilst I'd like to see some kind of revival, or even revolution, in the browser market here - it does look as if Mozilla are setting out a future business plan which simply does not include Firefox... and if Firefox dips below 2% it will be sidelined as an alternative browser no longer supported.