Everyone knows all military facilities must be placed in the middle of a desert with a cartoon target on them and registered with google maps and yelp. Did the IDF not get the memo? I’m seeing several high ranking Israeli military infrastructure inside populated areas
Yah know it would be a funny SciFi book/game concept to have some future where some high authority allowed war but forbade any civilian casualties so now all countries conduct war in this ritualistic way where they have to clearly mark all their bases in isolated places and battle locations had to be preplanned less the orbiting AI kill us all with space lasers.
There's an episode of Star Trek TOS where they discover a pair of planets that have been at war forever. They have done away with actual physical warfare, since that would damage their infrastructure to unacceptable levels, and instead just simulate the results of bombing and tell each other who died. Everyone who the computer determines dies is notified and then shows up to the war facilities to be disintegrated.
What you need to understand is that in the mind, Palestinians don't matter unless they can be instrumentalized to accuse Iran of hypocrisy, which is the real crime.