Of the 6 people I've talked to today with Verizon service in my area, 1 person has the SOS/No bars on their phone. The last couple of outages, that was me so I know how they feel
Ya, I went for a walk and had my phone/ear buds in and as soon as I got away from the house it stopped working. Tried toggling airplane mode, and rebooting, no luck. When I got back I had a msg from my wife asking if I'd changed our verizon service.
Weird part is that mine is SOS at home, but my wife’s phone seems fine at work ~20 miles from here. Not sure if it’s because the cell tower(s) there are unaffected or if it is because our phones are different models.
they suck so bad around here the last couple years, it'd be hard to tell if it's a 'widespread' outage or just the local 'norm'. (ours is working right now, but an hour east of here it's not).