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Young men, like 18-24 year old males on Hexbear: Is the culture for your age group completely fucked, or am I out of touch?

Basically a repost pf things I said in the mega, but anecdotally I'm hearing that sales of fiction read by men are dropping precipitously, and English and literature classes in colleges are now dominated by women. It seems like young men are not being exposed to literature in the same way that they used to. Like, when I was in high school and college, you could be a "bro" kind of guy and read Chuck Palahniuk, or Hunter S. Thompson, or David Foster Wallace. For decades, authors like Hemmingway and Bukowski found receptive audiences in young men, not to mention all the crime fiction, horror, sci-fi, and fantasy that men have traditionally consumed. The "guy in your English class who loves David Foster Wallace" was a stereotype for a reason. I read in another thread that music is less culturally important to young men than it used to be. It seems like younger men just straight up see no value in reading literature or fiction, or exposing themselves or critically engaging with art and music, because the algorithms just railroad them into Alpha Gridset world.

Am I wrong about this? Am I being condescending and out of touch, or is this a real thing that's happening, where the whole "male" culture is turning into grindset podcasts and streamers?

Edit: Okay, so the impression I'm getting is that everything is worse but also kind of the same as it ever was, which sounds right.


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  • Well I guess so, I dunno. Do you truly think english lit classes do all that? You got a lot more faith in the institutions than I do. I kind of see them as imperialist propaganda pushers a lot of the time. And then, is this cultural space degrading only for men but women are all good?

    I did note that you mentioned some vaguely lefty guys at least, but do you not think "educational institutions" in the west play a part in producing greek statue guys?

    • I'm not OP but I think the reason the gender divide is particularly relevant is that, without a focus on the humanities, alienated men largely will just turn into fascists because that's the endpoint of shallow populism that would be born in current poor material conditions. Women in the same position are less likely to go that direction (although obviously still often do so you have a point) even if they aren't exposed to any academic conversations or whatever. Empathy is critical for men to develop because we gotta learn to see ourselves as part of a whole, if you're marginalized because of your gender then you'd already understand this system by virtue of being excluded from it.

    • Do you truly think english lit classes do all that? You got a lot more faith in the institutions than I do.

      I'm not talking about English lit classes as an institution, I'm talking about the kind of person who might be interested in what English lit classes, and more importantly literature in general, have to offer them.

      And then, is this cultural space degrading only for men but women are all good?

      Probably not, but I think that's a separate conversation, so I didn't want to talk about it here.

      I did note that you mentioned some vaguely lefty guys at least, but do you not think "educational institutions" in the west play a part in producing greek statue guys?

      Not really? Greek Statue guys don't have a real interest in engaging with the things they pretend to like, and their understanding of them is very shallow. Thinking back to my own college literature classes, I don't think that would have been rewarded, but maybe I got lucky with my professors.

      • talking about the kind of person who might be interested in what English lit classes, and more importantly literature in general, have to offer them.

        So you think otherwise compassionate and regular dudes are getting led into fascism because they're not reading stuff and studying humanities? /gen

        Anecdotally, it seems like the women who read have broadly shifted to a kind of "book-tok" culture where they consume things that are heavily tropified and their conversations about books are dominated by things like whether they include "spice." But I just don't know as much about that, so I didn't want to talk about it here.

        Yeah that's probably not a conversation you wanna have with me because it sounds like it might show your ass bridget-smug Quick, tell me how reading romance slop is much different from "all the crime fiction, horror, sci-fi, and fantasy that men have traditionally consumed"?

        Not really? Greek Statue guys don't have a real interest in engaging with the things they pretend to like, and their understanding of them is very shallow.

        We might be thinking of slightly different guy, I'm picturing an annoying /lit/ poster who does Classic Canon for fascism basically.

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