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Just paint the old prop grey and turn it on its side. No one will notice.

Top: Lateral vector transporter from the Walker-class USS Shenzhou

Middle: Phase discriminators used to trap the Red Angel in the titular episode

Bottom (left): Exocomp

Bottom (right): Medical device from the Automated Repair Station from Dead Stop


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  • I could totally see that station being an ancestor of the Exocomps. That's one of my favorite ENT episodes

    • It would explain why the exocomps are so good at engineering tasks. They are descended from B’Elanna.

    • Oh, I like that theory. The station survived at the end, so maybe Doctor Farallon didn't invent them rather than find and repair one.

      • He could have even invented them, after studying the station. You can't tell me the Federation wouldn't want self-repairing ships, even if O'Brien would hate it

        • Now I really wish a current / future show would revisit that station in some way. It started rebuilding itself after Archer destroyed it, and it was already presumed to be at least several hundred years old (one of the abducted species was a Vaudwaar), so I would imagine it's still out there somewhere.

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