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On 'Cancer Road,' Minnesota families ask: Is nitrate exposure to blame? On 'Cancer Road,' a group of southeastern Minnesota families ask if nitrate exposure is to blame - MinnPost

The amount of nitrogen applied to U.S. corn crops has increased 120 million pounds annually since 2000, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

On 'Cancer Road,' a group of southeastern Minnesota families ask if nitrate exposure is to blame - MinnPost

In Minnesota alone, authorities in 2017 found elevated levels of nitrates in 80 public water systems. In Iowa, 55,000 drinking water wells were contaminated with elevated nitrate concentrations, according to 2017 data. Private water wells serve about one-third of Wisconsin families; state authorities in 2022 found 10 percent of them exceed the 10 ppm nitrate safety limit.