I had worked at my old job for 6 years and was an operations and billing consultant; he joined as a temp in the call centre. Xmas Party was coming up and all us permanent staff petitioned to have the temps join the party too, as they were initially excluded. But my team/department wanted to show them how much we appreciated their help so we won.
Him and I had a bunch of drinks at that party, and he invited me back to his place in Rezza; as it was on my line too (Epping) I said yep... Stayed the night lol. We were FWB for a few months, but we both caught feelings and have been together since Jan 2019
Typical love lust at first sight. We met at the Left Bank in East Fremantle and carried on through the night dancing and drinking, we hooked up.. and never looked back. Nearly 30 years ago.
He is one of my best friend’s husband’s best friends. We’ve been to dinners together and what not for 7+ years and always admired each other but it wasn’t until early last year that I was out with my friend and was all “soo… how’s xx?”, we set up a dinner for the four of us and finally swapped numbers.
On OKC back before it was shit. Ludicrously high match percentage, and no deal breakers. Didn’t anticipate anything serious because of his age, but that’s fine. Met for a drink where it turned out we had mutual friends, had been at many of the same events and just not crossed paths somehow. I informed him he was an imp who would probably flirt with a telegraph pole. Couple of days later he came over to watch my Making of the Dark Crystal doco. We didn’t. Oops, it turned serious after all 😺
(Love me Aughra. Lost count of how many times I’ve seen TDC, but haven’t watched it for years. Hmm, got me some nostalgic runs for the near future, I see.)
Met through a friend that I used to smoke weed with back in the early 2000 's.
She was kind of the "star" of her little hippie group. She loved talking about spirituality. All the dudes around her would just agree with everything she said presumably to try to impress her.
I didn't. I thought her ideas were not the best and challenged her on a bunch of her woo stuff.
Apparently that caught her interest because no one else ever disagreed with her. It was cool debating stuff with her.
Kept hanging out and we hooked up one night and kept going from there.
I do regret us getting together though. It was a big mistake on my part because I was too young and naive to recognise red flags.
Had my manager ask me to send an email to the girl peering over my desk, I asked her first name and then how to spell it, and then asked for her last name and.. sigh how to spell it.