I hate when projects don't explain what they actually do. Explain what it does like you would to a 5 year old, "targeting personal computing, simple to use yet extremely powerful" comes off as buzzwords that just annoy me. That doesn't explain why it's useful.
It’s useful mostly as a desktop operating system that’s easy to use and fast and doesn’t come with as much crap as Windows, Linux, macOS. Haiku feels more like your personal computer, not Microsoft’s or Apple’s computer.
Today it doesn’t solve any needs besides nostalgia and curiosity. If you’re generally interested in desktop operating systems and user interface design, it’s worth a look.
Wenn du denkst dass BeOS damals Ende der 90er der absolute Gipfel vom Personal Computing war, dann ist es genau das richtige für dich. Ansonsten fallen mir außer Neugierde aber auch wenig Gründe ein, sich heutzutage darauf einzulassen.