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  • The "I don't care if you go broke, give me what I want" stance I'm seeing online seems short-sighted at best and narcissistic at worst.

    • I'm pretty sure Mozilla becoming a cheap Google clone is not good long term

    • As a general stance "People want me to give them free shit. I say gtfo.", I understand you.

      That's just not proportional to Mozilla and Firefox. In 2022 they had a total revenue of $595 million¹. That allows them to hire 3305 software developers at a salary of $180.000. Google was responsible for 81% of that revenue¹. If you remove Google and their influence from the equation you're left with $113 millon and Mozilla can then hire 628 software developers. I think that would be more than adequate to maintain a browser.

      • I'm sure those developers don't need any material like, say, software, or a desk. Or other staff to write those paychecks and resolve disputes. Or give direction. Nor would the company need to host any downloads or other websites.