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22 Horror-Movie Remakes That You Should Actually Watch 22 Horror-Movie Remakes That You Should Actually Watch

Hollywood took a second stab (pun intended) at these scary flicks, and we’re glad it did.

22 Horror-Movie Remakes That You Should Actually Watch

There are so many try-hard reboots and hollow sequels in horror that it can be hard to remember that some legacy properties can (and should) be properly dusted off. In that spirit, Vulture has compiled a list of scary-movie remakes that are truly worth your time: thrill rides that improved upon their source material, matched wits with the classics that came before them, or, in a few cases, nobly committed to turning bad first movies into highly entertaining second efforts. From alien parasites lurking in Antarctic research facilities to girls getting picked off on sorority row, here are the horror remakes that will make you glad Hollywood took a second stab at...