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  • I'll be honest a big motivation for posting this is to try to get feminist men active in a dedicated community on Lemmy. Currently there's ! but it's fairly inactive. Trying to give it a bit of a jump start so if anybody feels like that's something they would benefit from please check it out! Also if anybody knows of a similar community with more activity please let me know.

    • It's been on our radar for a bit, but for reasons likely outlined in this video (haven't had a chance to watch it yet) there's often issues with online men's lib spaces needing additional moderation to help ensure they don't get invaded by bad actors who are sexist or incel. We'll likely launch a space like this eventually, but it just hasn't been the right time yet.

      • That's amazing to hear and I really feel like beehaw is exactly the sort of space that could pull it off. Y'all do great work over there

      • I can't imagine creating a men's rights community on the Internet today. It just seems like it would instantly be filled with... well... men's right's activists.

        In many ways I think the problem is identical to "white rights activists." Men-ness (and white-ness) are created by contrast to other groups and their liberation and political progress, not because of an internal group identity that already exists. That is to say, a men's liberation group would be created in response to women creating women's liberation groups -- it can never escape its fate of being a reaction and an opposition. Unfortunately, "menninism" will always be about feminism, and that conversation usually turns pretty dark.

        I agree with Natalie that it would be great if this weren't true or men could articulate a clear concept of masculinity that was not: toxic, patriarchal, or a reaction against feminism. I just don't know what it could possibly be that wouldn't escape that fate.

      • I'm sure someone has already suggested it but couldn't we have a more inclusive SocialLib community? IMO, the only reason that sexism has to enter these kinds of spaces is because they're polarized to begin with.

        Men have these issues because women...

        Women have these issues because men...

        Wouldn't it be better to say that we have differing issues that can only be solved if we all attack the root causes at the same time and recognize the efforts made toward this goal?

  • I love ContraPoints.

    I don't think this is her strongest, but it is still very very good.

  • Natalie's videos explained trans issues to me in a way that completely changed my mind about the whole topic. I'm very grateful to her for putting out that content in a way that my brain could digest.

  • I love Natalie Wynn and Abigail Thorn, they both put out some of the finest philosophical content and contemporary analysis in existence. I watched everything I could find.

  • That was amazing.

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